missed you <extended>-renjun & jaemin

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idol renjun & jaemin x non!idol male reader
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: really bad making out (im sorry guys😔), cursing

as the light filtered into his bedroom, m/n's eyes fluttered open, renjun's body laying in his arms. a bright smile appeared on his face. he had missed this. renjun sleepily readjusted himself, his back laying against m/n's chest. the pajamas he wore flowing around his body, m/n's tshirt falling off of his shoulder.

pressing a gentle kiss to renjun's neck, m/n snuggled into his boyfriend, rubbing his stomach. "m/n." renjun sleepily let out, rubbing his eyes with his hand. "good morning baby." m/n smiled, renjun turning around to look at his boyfriend. "i'm tired." he complained, m/n rubbing his head. "then sleep." renjun frowned, m/n playing with his hair. "i'm up now, so i want to hang out with you."

m/n smiled, gently pressing a kiss to renjun's nose. "you look so cute baby." rolling his eyes, renjun kissed m/n's lips, m/n pulling them closer together when he linked his arms around renjun's neck. "your breath smells bad." renjun said, m/n snuggling his head into the crook of renjun's neck. "you hate me." m/n whined, renjun grabbing m/n's chin, connecting their lips together.

"i'd say it's quite the opposite." renjun whispered, rubbing his thumb against m/n's cheek, his breathing calming down. moving his hand down m/n's neck, renjun trailed his cold fingers down m/n's warm skin, m/n's voice hitching as renjun grabbed the neck of his pajama shirt. "jun." "i don't hate you." renjun whispered, pecking the purple painting left the night before.

"let me show you?" renjun asked, m/n hastily nodding, his gaze meeting renjun's. the two connected their lips, renjun putting his hands on m/n's waist, m/n putting his right hand on renjun's face. their lips moved sloppily against each other, their morning voices meeting in a low harmony.

"loves, it's time to wake up." jaemin spoke, opening the door, seeing renjun on top of m/n, m/n wrapping his arms around renjun's neck. "jesus christ it's 9:30 in the morning!" he yelled, renjun disconnecting their lips to look up at jaemin. "ah, you're back." he nervously laughed, m/n trying to reconnect their lips. "no. stop." renjun complained, poking m/n's nose with his index finger. "but kisses-" m/n trailed off, jaemin coming to his boyfriends side. "no." renjun spoke, jaemin pushing renjun off of m/n.

"good morning my angel." jaemin whispered, lightly pecking m/n's cheek. "hi jaemin." m/n replied back, jaemin smiling happily. "i made breakfast. do you want it here or outside in the kitchen." "mmh, bring it in here would you." m/n asked, stretching his back like a cat and wrapping his arms around jaemin's neck. "and give me a morning kiss." he smiled, jaemin pecking m/n's lips, patting his chest before walking out of the room, renjun flipping him off.

"let's go back to-?" renjun asked, his voice trailing off as m/n connected their lips, a bright smile appearing on his lips, the lines trailing against his smile. "mmh." m/n hummed, rubbing the top of m/n's neck.

"breakfast!" jaemin called, loudly knocking on the bedroom door as he sat on m/n's bed, hitting renjun's leg. "you ruin all my fun." renjun muttered, getting off of m/n to grab his bowl. "thank you jaemin." renjun mumbled, jaemin smiling as m/n got up to sit in his lap, grabbing the bowl from jaemin's hands.

"thank you jaemin." he whispered, jaemin pecking his forehead softly. "you're welcome." the three ate in silence, jaemin gently rubbing m/n's thigh, renjun smiling at his boyfriends. "i love you." he whispered, m/n looking up with a bright smile on his face. "my baby!"

the three laughed, m/n shoving a bite of food in his mouth. "you're really cute, you know that right?" jaemin asked, m/n nodding. "i hear that a lot." he laughed, jaemin gasping. "from who?" "him." m/n said, pointing his head towards renjun, a small smiling appearing on his face. "it's because you are very cute baby." renjun spoke, nodding softly after his sentence.

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