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note: we all have our own opinions on the lucas scandal. my opinions are going to be kept to myself. this is to just pay omage to him as he left the group. remember to have respect and negative comments will be deleted

he felt alone.

m/n's hand fell limp, his phone tumbling off the bed and onto the floor. "tell me you're lying baby." scrambling off the bed, he grabbed his phone again, opening the text conversation with his boyfriend, scrolling to the top.

xuxi bubu :(


lucas! how are you?
i've been so busy with work that we haven't
been able to talk :(

i'm alright.

is something wrong love?

i need to talk to you.

are you alright?

so you know about the hiatus

i do love,
we've dated through it

we finally came to a decision
about my career

are you going to rejoin nct?

i'm out.
i'm going solo

oh love :(
are you okay?

i guess
i don't want to bring the group down
and i'm worried what people would say
if i rejoined

do you want me to come see you?

yes. yes please love.
i need it.

i'll be over.

blinking back tears, m/n stood up from the floor, gripping his phone tightly. exiting his bedroom, he grabbed his keys and exited the dorm, making his way to the garage.

entering his car, m/n drummed his fingers against the wheel, pulling out onto the street to make it to his boyfriend's apartment. smiling to himself, he tried to dilute the pain radiating through his body, quickly making it into xuxi's neighborhood.

using his keycard, he entered the garage if the apartment building, parking next to his boyfriend's car. stopping the vehicle, m/n entered the building, greeting the employees in the lobby as he walked up the stairs toward his boyfriend.

"i'm here baby." m/n said, knocking on the door. the door opened, xuxi running to him, tears clouding his eyes. "let's go inside." m/n said, holding onto xuxi's hand tightly.


"lovebug," m/n said, holding xuxi's sobbing body. "please don't cry." looking up at his boyfriend, xuxi connected their lips, pulling away. "i know that this will be better but it hurts." he croaked, m/n rubbing the tears from his eyes.

laying his boyfriend down, m/n pulled the covers over them, calming his boyfriend down. "i'm here love. i'm not leaving you." the words caused xuxi to break down again, m/n hugging him tightly.

putting his hand on xuxi's stomach, m/n rubbed small circles on the soft skin, the couple holding onto each other tightly. "i love you." m/n whispered, connecting their lips again. "i love you too."


letting out a sigh, m/n sat in his room, trying to take his mind off of the news of the day. in the midst of preparing for his comeback, the notice of xuxi leaving his group came out. his nights revolved around dance practice and comforting his boyfriend.

a knock at the door startled him, m/n exiting his room to see who it was. "baby." he smiled, wrapping xuxi in a hug. "how are you?" "could be better." he smiled, walking into his house. "do you want dinner?" xuxi smiled, m/n pecking his cheek before moving to the kitchen, boiling the water.

"dinner's ready!" m/n smiled, placing two bowls on the table, the couple sitting across from each other. "how are you doing?" xuxi sighed, grabbing his partner's hand. "alright. this is all for the better." taking a deep breath, the couple ate their food, comforting each other.

"are you excited for your comeback tomorrow?" xuxi asked, m/n nodding. "i think fans will like it." "do you think they'll notice me?" laughing, m/n leaned over and kissed xuxi's lip. "i definitely think so." the couple had decided to film together in m/n's new music video, against the worry that lingered in the back of their minds.

putting their plates in the sink, m/n and xuxi started cuddling on the couch, kissing each other sweetly. "love you." "i love you so much."


fans notice similarities with male lead in m/n's new music video to ex member of nct lucas

on may 11th, m/n released a new music video for his song 'lovesick', featuring a male lead that fans noticed look similar to ex nct member lucas.

watch lovesick mv here ->

user 1
hope its not lucas

user 2
wasn't there a dating scandal for them in 2020?
user 3
idk i think that was m/n and some guy
user 4
some people saw similarities with the person
and lucas but it was never confirmed

open more comments

"xuxi, they already found out." m/n laughed, calling his partner as his stylist fixed his hair. "not surprising, are you at music bank." humming in response, the couple chatted. "i should go so i can make it to the venue before music bank starts." "see you soon love."

turning off his phone, he waited for the stylist to finish. "you're good to go!" she said, m/n bowing, checking the list. "shit." he muttered. he was going up soon.

"m/n, your turn to head up on stage." nodding, m/n walked onto the stage, flowers adorning the white chair he sat against, the background dancers walking around them. dressed in a loose white shirt and light washed jeans, a bright flower was tucked behind his ear, one connected to his mic.

the music started up, m/n opening his mouth to sing. "back to the beginning, i've seen your story." the crowd screamed, m/n smiling as the chorus arrived, the lights glowing off his flower earrings, trying to catch the eyes of his partner in the audience.

the three minutes finished, m/n breathing heavily before the lights dimmed, getting to walk off the stage. "we're going to have you take a breather and then we're going to retouch your makeup." nodding, m/n stumbled back to the room, chugging a bottle of water.

"i hope he loved it."


"and the winner is m/n with lovesick! thank you, come back next week on music bank!" the trophy and flowers were passed the m/n a bright smile on his face. i won.

the instrumental to his song started, joyously singing while waving the fans in the crowd. locking eyes with his boyfriend, m/n smiled, waving happily.

"i'm missing you know,
so i guess i'm lovesick instead."

word count: 1055
status: unedited
original date of publish: 6/4/2023

i miss lucas sm :(
this was fun to write
whos excited for ty's mv release??
i am :3


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