secret from them-doyoung

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doyoung x 98!liner nct 127 added member male reader
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: cursing, coming out

opening his eyes, m/n smiled as he saw doyoung's chest, peacefully sleeping. his shoulder peeked from under his black pajama shirt, m/n kissing the skin gently. slowly, doyoung's eyes fluttered open, smiling brightly at his boyfriend. "hi baby." he spoke, moving his arm around m/n's waist. "good morning." m/n smiled, pecking doyoung's cheek.

"should we go to the living room to get breakfast before schedules?" doyoung asked, gently petting m/n's hair. the group was prepping for their comeback, working at practices for a quarter of the day. "probably." getting out of his single bed, m/n grabbed doyoung's hand, pulling him up.

opening the door, doyoung put his arms around m/n's waist, snuggling his face into m/n's shoulder as they walked into the living room, m/n picking up 2 plates to grab the food someone had cooked. "doyoung, what are you doing?" jaehyun asked, jungwoo poking at doyoung's back. "hmm?" he asked, m/n turning back to smile at him.

"why are you hanging onto m/n like he's your boyfriend?" the room erupted, taeyong spitting out and choking on his sip of coffee. "what?" doyoung asked shocked, dropping his arms from m/n's waist. "i mean," jungwoo said, putting a bite of food in his mouth. "theres no cameras around, there's nothing happening today for m/n, so why are you holding him like this?"

shaking his head, doyoung laughed, serving himself before going to sit by taeyong. "i don't know jungwoo but he's not my boyfriend." m/n's full smiled dropped. even though they agreed to not telling anyone other than taeyong, it still hurt to be denied in front of their friends. "fine."

clearing up the awkward silence, taeyong spoke up. "practice is soon so we should get ready." nodding, m/n leaned against the counter, eating with a frown on his face. "i'm sorry." doyoung mouthed, m/n putting a tight smile on his face.

"it's alright."


gently kissing m/n, doyoung put his hands on his waist, m/n kissing him back. "i love you." doyoung spoke, m/n smiled, checking the door. "i love you too."

the two gently kissed, doyoung holding his face, m/n having his arms around his shoulders. their lips moved slowly against each other, doyoung's plush ones against his. "your perfume smells so good." m/n smiled, kissing doyoung's neck. "thank you." he smiled, kissing m/n's jaw.

the two pressed their lips together again, doyoung pressing m/n against the wall, gently relaxing his arms. the world faded away as they held each other, the couple kissing each other.

"hey guys we're going to get some dinner from the new restaurant down the street." haechan said, opening the door to see the couple kissing against the wall. "oh shit. guys?" haechan asked, doyoung and m/n turning around blush caking their faces. "what are you doing here?" doyoung panicked, m/n separating himself from doyoung.

"what am i doing here- why are you two making out?" "huh?" someone asked, doyoung putting his head in his left hand. "i just saw doyoung and m/n making out." haechan said, jungwoo, mark, and yuta poking his head inside. "you two did what?"

"just leave me alone." m/n said, walking out of the practice room. "i knew this would happen one day." he grumbled, doyoung reaching for his hand. "m/n-" "i need some air."


doyoung walked behind m/n as they entered the dorm, doyoung trying to calm the fuming man down. "babe, i'm on your side i understand why you're mad." "i don't know why i'm mad but i have to cool off." "i understand baby." doyoung spoke, opening the door to m/n's bedroom.

"come here." doyoung whispered, m/n crawling forward into his boyfriend's arms. "it's alright." he spoke, m/n's face tucked into his neck. "i just-" m/n breathed out, his face clean of tears. "i fucking hate all of them." "don't say that." doyoung said, rubbing his head gently.

"no i can't with them. leaving the fucking group." doyoung frowned, holding m/n's hands. "take a deep breath love."

taking a deep breath, m/n smiled, doyoung rubbing his stomach gently. "i don't know why i got so angry. it just kind of came out." "i understand my love. sometimes anger just comes out."

"i love you." m/n smiled, leaning forward to press their lips together, doyoung surprised before kissing back. "i love you too. nap?" "yes please." the two laughed, plopping back into m/n's bed, wrapping their arms around each other.


walking out of m/n's room, doyoung saw the rest of the members relaxing in the living room. "is m/n alright?" taeyong asked, the members staring at him. "still a bit angry." doyoung laughed, johnny taking a sip of his drink. "how long have you been dating?" he asked, looking up at doyoung. "a year and a half."

"a year and a half?" the group said unanimously, taeyong seemingly the only one not surprised. "why aren't you shocked taeyong?" taeil asked, taeyong smiling. "i've known since the minute they've gotten together."

turning their heads, the group looked at doyoung with a frown, taeyong smiling happily. "i'm sorry i didn't say anything but i didn't want m/n to do anything he didn't want to and he wanted to wait to tell you." "it's okay. i'm sorry for bringing more attention to this when it could have been between us." haechan said.

"you should say that to m/n." doyoung said, haechan frowning. "he should say what to me?" m/n asked, emerging from his room. "i'm sorry for blowing up what i saw instead of keeping it to myself."

letting out a deep breath, m/n smiled. "it's okay. i knew it would happen some day." walking to the couch, doyoung grabbing him and pressing a kiss to his face. "you're not doing this now i hope you know that." m/n said, yuta nodding his head in agreement. "i agree with m/n."

doyoung smiled, putting his hands on m/n's stomach, pressing another kiss on m/n's face, this one on his lips. "let's just watch tv now before i vomit." jaehyun said, m/n agreeing with him. "i'm choosing the show." mark said, m/n going to sit by taeyong, taeyong gently rubbing his arm.

"mine." doyoung spoke, pulling m/n from taeyong's grasp, kissing his partner gently. "don't worry, i wasn't taking your boyfriend doyoung." taeyong laughed, flicking doyoung's forehead.

"i'm okay with this not being a secret." m/n whispered as the movie started, doyoung smiled. "i am too." doyoung smiled, gently kissing m/n before turning to watch the movie. looking up at his boyfriend, m/n gently pecked doyoung's lips, repeating the action multiple times until doyoung looked down at him.

"hmm?" he asked, m/n smiling. "nothing. you're just pretty." chuckling, doyoung playing with m/n's bangs, pecking m/n's face. "let's watch the movie now, okay?" "okay."

the couple, now not hidden, sat among their friends, happily enjoying the presence of everyone they love.

word count: 1139
status: unedited
original date of publish: 1/27/24
requested: txunsok <3

happy 127 day!
this feels so unfinished tbh im sorry :((
im sleeping now night night

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