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m/n exited the car, smiling as he saw jeno playing foot volleyball with haechan. he waved at the members before beelining to the inside, sitting down next to renjun. "m/n! come here fast!" groaning, he sat up, looking haechan straight in the eye. "no." "m/n!" he whined, stamping his feet. "fine you toddler." m/n dragged his feet as he walked to haechan, his forehead getting hit by the slow moving football. "ouch! what the hell donghyuck?" running over, jeno held onto m/n's waist, his hand on the boy's forehead. "are you okay?" "yeah. i hate you haechan." m/n replied, jeno hugging him tightly. haechan only stuck out his tongue.

the rest of dream made it to the location, the group laughing and catching up with each other. "lets look in the house." m/n and jaemin sat in a hammock, gently swinging back and forth. "are you the owner?" jeno asked, walking over to swing the hammock with the two boys lying in it. jaemin and m/n shaking their heads no, haechan holding his hands out wide. "i'm today's tour guide, haechan! are you all here?" "no!"

clearing his throat, haechan continued. "jeno-ssi?" "yes." "mark-ssi?" "yes?" "jisung-ssi?" "woo!" "chenle-ssi?" "yes." "renjun-ssi?" "yes." "m/n-ssi?" "here!" clapping his hands together, haechan turned around and entered the house. "what about jaemin?" renjun asked, the group laughing. "he isn't here." jaemin's mouth hung open, m/n ruffling the boy's hair before walking to clasp hands with jeno. "everyone come inside!"

"do we take off our shoes?" jeno asked, met with a response of yes and no. rolling his eyes, m/n slid his shoes off, following haechan into the kitchen. "wow," he gasped, the space having relatively nice appliances. jeno opened the fridged, quickly closing it after scanning the items, haechan trying to reopen it.

the group struggled to reopen the doors, m/n groaning in annoyance. "it's probably locked to recalibrate the temperature." a few minutes later, the door opened, the group leaving the kitchen.

"there's jeno's bed." the tour guide laughed, pointing at the doghouse. jeno sighed, m/n rubbing his back, the group walking up the steep stairs. m/n gasped as he saw the pretty open area, haechan going onto the karaoke machine as the couple sat snuggled together on the couch.

"내 까만 스니커즈를 지금 멈추게!" haechan screeched, chenle finishing the line. "come to the couch guys!" m/n said, the group circling around the small living area. "we should pick beds." "how?" haechan laughed, sitting down. "how else? rock paper scissors."

the group played two rounds, haechan quickly winning, screaming. "jeno gets the dog house." "lee haechan!" "someone can sleep there?" mark asked, his hand over his mouth.

they decided the final sleeping assignments, jeno sleeping in the dog house and m/n in the double bed with mark and haechan. the group had gone through each member's bags, m/n's turn finally arriving.

"let's finally get to my love m/n's bag." haechan giggled, opening the clasp on his handbag. "oh nice, hair brush, perfume." m/n smiled, grabbing the bottle, rubbing the glass on his hands. "ooh, look toiletries." haechan said, taking out the smaller bag and unzipping it, renjun looking in it. "hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, oh-" the room went silent, haechan and renjun's faces slack in shock. "what is it?" mark asked, trying to get a look. haechan brought it up, the room erupting.

in haechan's hand was three condoms, much to m/n and jeno's dismay. "why do you have condoms in here!" m/n put his head in between his legs, screaming loudly. "they look to small." renjun smirked, jeno panicking. "babe did you buy the wrong size?" "i don't fucking know!" the group laughed, haechan adding to that by pulling out a tube of lube, renjun covering it with his hands. "please don't fuck with me in the room." chenle begged, jaemin making another comment. "they're going to do it doggy style in the dog house."

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