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jaehyun x non!idol male reader
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: tooth rotting fluff

opening the door to his boyfriend's dorm, m/n smiled happily waving to johnny quickly. "good morning m/n." he groggily spoke, taking a sip from his cup of coffee, m/n putting his bag of groceries on the counter. laughing, m/n walked to the sink, washing his hands.

"i'll make you some breakfast john." m/n smiled, shaking off his hands before digging in his bags for the breakfast ingredients, putting out a fresh loaf of bread, johnny running to it. "did you bake that?" he asked, m/n nodding. "all for my birthday boy." m/n smiled, cutting 3 slices, handing one to johnny.

"ew, you're so in love with him." johnny complained, stuffing the piece of bread in his mouth, m/n putting his bread in the toaster. "i am. he's so gorgeous, how could you not be?" johnny made a gagging noise, m/n smiling brightly as he started cooking an omelet.

flipping the eggs over, he transferred it to a plate, cutting them up, the toaster dinging. running over, m/n grabbed them, putting them on the plate, grabbing a peach from his bag. cutting the fruit up, he made multiple hearts, grabbing a handful of strawberries and cutting them too.

putting his finishing touches, m/n grabbed his bouquet of peach roses and walked back to jaehyun's room, johnny saying goodbye to him. knocking on jaehyun's door, m/n talked softly. "i'm here baby." when he got no response, m/n twisted the doorknob, smiling at jaehyun's asleep body.

putting the food on jaehyun's bedside table, m/n smiled, rubbing jaehyun's leg. "good morning baby." he smiled, jaehyun's eyes fluttering open. "hi m/n." he spoke, his morning voice a pleasure to m/n's ears. "happy birthday." m/n whispered, jaehyun rubbing his eyes as he sat up, m/n handing him the bouquet.

"wow, all for me?" jaehyun asked, m/n grabbing the breakfast. "plus breakfast." m/n smiled, kissing jaehyun's lips gently. his boyfriend started to eat, m/n playing with his fingers. "are you ready to go?" he asked, jaehyun nodding happily, putting a piece of the peach in his mouth. "my bag is in the corner."

laying next to jaehyun, m/n watched as he ate the last piece of fruit, a bright smile on his face. "i love you!" he spoke, kissing m/n's lips. "let's go baby."

the two stood up, m/n grabbing jaehyun's bag and plate, jaehyun picking up his flowers and wrapping his arms around m/n's waist.

when the two exited jaehyun's bedroom, the living room now filled with more people waking up. "we're going so say your goodbyes to the birthday boy." m/n said, jaehyun smiling brightly as the room chorused with birthday wishes. "goodbye!" jaehyun spoke, snuggling his head deeper into m/n's shoulder.

"when will i get a partner who will take me out for a day trip on my birthday." jungwoo complained, jaehyun laughing m/n kissed jaehyun's cheek, smiling brightly. "wait a little while." m/n spoke, waving to jaehyun's friends before exiting, jaehyun kissing m/n's neck.

"i'm so excited." jaehyun spoke, m/n smiling. "good. now let's go."


tapping his hands on the steering wheel, m/n turned on a small dirt road, meadows passing by him. "it's so gorgeous out here." jaehyun sighed, his head looking out the window at all of the flowers. "like you."

jaehyun scoffed, m/n pulling up to a spot. "let's get out." opening his door, m/n got out, walking to the trunk and getting the stuff for the picnic. going to the tree in front of their card, m/n put down the blanket, opening the basket and spreading out the food.

"come here jaehyun!" m/n smiled, jaehyun running into his boyfriend's arms. "you made a picnic for me?" he asked, m/n kissing his lips gently. "yep. for my valentine." he smiled, jaehyun's face bright with life.

grabbing a green grape, m/n plopped in jaehyun's mouth, jaehyun eating it with a smile. grabbing one of the orange slices, jaehyun placed it in m/n's open mouth, m/n making a sound of delight, smiling happily as m/n pecked his lips, jaehyun falling on top of him, laughter flowing from their lips, m/n connecting their lips.

jaehyun's heart slowed as m/n kissed him, the familiar feeling of his boyfriend's lips on his and his boyfriend's arms around him calming him down. "i love you." he smiled, m/n kissing his dimple gently. "i love you too pretty boy."

getting a strawberry, jaehyun put it in between his lips, m/n biting it gently, kissing his lips with the close contact. "sweet." m/n smiled, jaehyun kissing m/n's lips gently. "that's because it's me." laughing, m/n pinched jaehyun's left cheek, kissing his nose.

"of course jaehyun. of course."


"happy birthday baby!" m/n cheered, jaehyun smiling under his birthday hat, a cake in front of him with a glass of the couple's favorite red wine on the side. "thank you for everything babe. the trip, the dinner, the cake." lighting the candle, m/n smiled. "blow the candle out."

blowing the candle out, jaehyun smiled, m/n getting a finger dipped in the icing and spreading it on his boyfriend's cheek. "you're welcome my love." laughing, jaehyun grabbed icing, putting it on m/n's right cheek and lips, gently kissing him.

"sweet." jaehyun pulled away, smiling brightly. "you're sick baby." m/n spoke, his face showing disgust. "don't hate m/n." jaehyun sighed, m/n laughing, taking a sip from his wine. gently connecting his lips with m/n's, jaehyun smiled, the white, red, & pink icing covering the two's faces.

pulling away, m/n grabbed the cake knife, cutting one piece, feeding jaehyun a piece. "say ah~" m/n spoke, smiling. "i'm not a baby." jaehyun spoke, eating the piece. "you enjoyed it." m/n mumbled, jaehyun taking another bite, taking a sip of wine.

smiling, m/n leaned over, gently pressing his and jaehyun's lips together. kissing back, jaehyun locked their lips, slow motions being made, their faces moving against each other in a comfortable way.

"finish your cake now jae." m/n spoke, jaehyun rolling his eyes. "i guess i will baby."

dipping his fingers in the icing, jaehyun spread it on m/n's cheek, kissing the area quickly. "you're a mess." he mumbled, m/n laughing. "thank you baby."


"how would you rate your birthday, my valentine?" m/n asked, his pink pajamas cuddling against jaehyun's. "it was perfect baby." jaehyun smiled, kissing m/n's lips gently. "i love you so much."

"i love you too." m/n whispered, connecting his lips with jaehyun's, jaehyun grabbing the side of his face. "i could stay like this forever." jaehyun whispered, m/n nodding. "we don't have to go back. so stay here."

jaehyun locked their lips again, m/n holding his boyfriend close. "happy valentines day my valentine." laughing, jaehyun smiled, pecking m/n's lips. "i love you."

"i love you too pretty boy."

word count: 1185
status: unedited
original date of publish: 2/14/24

hbd to my fav pretty boy & my valentine!!
i love him sm :(
happy valentines day everyone!
hope you had a good day and did something you love!
goodnight :)


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