swipe the card-jaehyun

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non!idol jaehyun x male reader
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: cursing, kissing (idk what to write guys help i need to sleep)

"jaehyun, i can't wear this. i'm going to ruin it." looking down at the expensive jacket jaehyun had bought him, m/n looked back to see jaehyun's eyes full of stars. "jae?" he asked, jaehyun walking forward to hug him tightly. "i think you look absolutely gorgeous m/n." pulling away slightly, jaehyun grabbed m/n's chin, smiling softly before pecking m/n's lips.

"still-" "shush." jaehyun said, m/n smiling in return. "now what did you say that we were doing?" m/n said, moving away from his boyfriend to sit nervously on a couch. "we're going to the hyundai." jaehyun smiled, m/n standing up in a huff.

"a department store jaehyun? we don't need more clothes!" laughing, jaehyun walked forward, patting m/n's head. "they're for you!" "i can just wear your clothes jaehyun." "you're going to go with me and let me buy whatever you want." gently pecking his boyfriend's lips, jaehyun grabbed his wallet, reaching out for m/n's hand. "what i want is to not spend your money on me."

pouting, jaehyun rocked back and forth on his feet, looking up sadly at his boyfriend. "please m/n." jaehyun asked, m/n rolling his eyes. "fine you big baby you can take me shopping." he smiled, gently kissing jaehyun's lip. "except i'm taking the car." he smiled, stealing the keys from jaehyun's front pocket. "fine." jaehyun said, smiling happily as he leaned in to connect his lips with m/n's, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"let's go now, hmm?" "shut it pretty boy."


driving up to a parking spot, m/n softly smiled as jaehyun snaked his hand over to his thigh, rubbing soft circles. "hi jae." m/n whispered, putting his hand over jaehyun's. "hi." jaehyun responded, flipping over his hand and gently squeezing m/n's. "ready to go inside?"

instead of responding, jaehyun connected their lips, moving his hand to grasp gently at the hairs on m/n's neck. m/n stopped in place for a second before returning back to his normal response and kissing his boyfriend back. quickly shifting the car into park, m/n leaned over to jaehyun's torso, unbuckling his seatbelt.

the scent of jaehyun's cologne filled m/n's nose as the space between them became less and less empty. m/n's body had almost fully moved to the other side of the car, lips gently placed on jaehyun's. "i love you." jaehyun mumbled, his voice vibrating against m/n's lips. "shut it jae and let me make out with you." m/n grumbled, grabbing the hem of jaehyun's shirt in his palm.

a loud honk sounded through the air, m/n jumping up. "holy fuck." he yelled, jaehyun wincing. "babe!" jaehyun complained, m/n holding onto his shoulder. "i think your foot hit the horn love." jaehyun smiled, kissing m/n's lips gently. "ugh. stupid car ruins my makeout session. homophobic." the two laughed softly, connecting their lips once more. "let's head inside, alright?" m/n asked, jaehyun smiling. "alrighty."


"i forget how much i love this place." m/n smiled, him and jaehyun holding hands as they walked down the stairs. "it's beautiful." jaehyun sighed, pulling m/n off the steps and towards his favorite store. "come with me." "you better be shopping for yourself." m/n frowned, jaehyun rolling his eyes. "no silly i'm buying clothes for you."

the two entered the shops doors, m/n's face lighting up at the clothes lining the walls. "wow these are so pretty." m/n softly spoke, shuffling to one of the racks, looking at a bomber jacket covered in patches. "and also 185 dollars so maybe not that cute." "just try it on m/n." jaehyun smiled, looking at the different sizes of the jacket before picking one out, helping m/n put the sleeves over his shoulders.

"it looks good on you. very pretty." jaehyun smiled, reaching his hand out to cup m/n's cheek. "i love it. but how much will i actually wear this? it's expensive and i don't know if i want to pay this much for something i might not wear." "i have money to pay for you." jaehyun frowned. "i'm not spending your money on this."

grabbing the jacket off of his boyfriend's shoulders, jaehyun smiled, laying it over his arm. "jaehyun-" "let me. please." jaehyun pleaded, m/n rolling his eyes. "alright jae." "keep looking around. if you want something, tell me, alright?" jae smiled, quickly pecking the side of m/n's face. "fine."

walking around, m/n looked at all the clothes, his eyes catching on a cashmere sweater. "wow." he smiled, rubbing the edge of the sleeve. looking for his size, m/n picked it off the rack, jaehyun grabbing it from his boyfriend's hand. "you'll look amazing love." he smiled as m/n grabbed onto his hand, the two walking up to the counter to pay.

the cashier scanned the items, jaehyun pulling his card out of his wallet. looking at the price, m/n could almost feel his eyes popping eyes out of their sockets. "jaehyun put your card away. that is too expensive. i can find the money in my account to pay for this." "i got it." jaehyun smiled, pulling out his card and swiping it.

"what did you do that for?" m/n whisper screamed as the cashier put the clothes in the bag, handing it to m/n before the couple turned around to exit the store. "you never let me spend money on you!" jaehyun complained,  the couple walking out into the center of the floor, m/n's eyes catching on store seemingly full of crocheted pieces. "i have the sudden urge to go in there." m/n spoke, jaehyun smiling brightly as his boyfriend dragged him into the store.

the two smiled as they looked at all of the sweaters, jaehyun picking up a cream sweater with blue flowers. "you would look good in this one." jaehyun spoke, holding it up to m/n's chest. laughing, m/n picked up the same design with pink flowers. "you would look pretty in this one." "pink?" jaehyun questioned, m/n crossing his arms. "your fragile masculinity is showing jaehyun."

jaehyun frowned for a second before smiling happily. "i actually really like it." he laughed, grabbing the one from m/n's hand and walking to the counter. "jae, do we actually need to buy these though." "shush. i got a pay raise and i want to pay for something for you."

m/n smiled happily, jaehyun nodding his head to the cashier and swiping his card once more. wrapping his arm around m/n's waist, jaehyun grabbed the bag, turning around. "can we go home?" m/n asked, jaehyun looking at him confused. "you don't want to stay?" jaehyun asked, the two walking up the stairs. "no." m/n laughed, jaehyun smiling brightly.

"alrighty. i'll drive?" m/n nodded, the two exiting the mall, going to their parking spot. leaning his head against jaehyun's shoulder, m/n sighed gently, jaehyun wrapping his arm around his waist. "that was nice baby. i like spending time with you."

separating, m/n opened his car door, sitting down. "home?" jaehyun asked, m/n smiling happily. "one second." locking his doors, m/n inched closer to his boyfriend, connecting their lips. "give me one second."

"i'm okay with that." jaehyun quickly responded, locking his door and connecting their lips. "good." m/n said, going closer to his boyfriend, the space between them gone.


sitting down in their bed, m/n smiled, snuggling under the covers. "what do you think?" jaehyun asked, his new sweater covering his body. "you look so cozy." m/n smiled, holding his hands out, jaehyun walking forward. "i have yours." he spoke, kissing m/n's cheek gently.

m/n smiled, jaehyun grabbing it from his bag and handing it to his boyfriend. putting on the sweater, jaehyun's face crunched up into a bright smile, kissing his boyfriend. "you look so pretty."

pulling jaehyun down onto the bed, m/n cuddling into him. "you're soft. let's stay like this, alright?" smiling, jaehyun let out a deep breath, pecking m/n's head. "alright."

word count: 1369
status: unedited
original date of publish: 2/1/24
requested: -DYTY11 <3

it took me 5 days but it's done!
i'm watching grey's anatomy rn and im currently on season 2 episode 25 and i hate most ppl in the show rn
im addicted tho
also happy doyoung and soul day!
ok i gotta sleep bc i have a test first period tmrw.


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