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mark birthday oneshot #2!

tw! cursing, homophobianotes: markie is such a dork idc

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tw! cursing, homophobia
notes: markie is such a dork idc

m/n and mark sat cuddling on the couch, m/n wrestling to get the last of mark's makeup off. how did it come to this? well it all started when...

"mark let's go!" m/n said, standing by the front door, purse in his hands. "coming!" mark said, stumbling out of their room. "woah," m/n said, looking at his boyfriend. he had on a satin shirt and large dress pants, black eye shadow around his eyes. "do you like it?" he asked, rocking back and forth on his feet. "you look really hot." m/n said, looking at mark's outfit, eyes meeting his lips. pecking mark's lips, m/n grabbed his hand, walking to two out the door.

"what did you use mark?" m/n asked, mark pouting. "i don't know. it was on the counter in the bathroom." "did you use the charcoal renjun left for me?" "maybe," mark's voice trailer off, clearly embarrassed. "oh lovey," m/n cooed, getting the last of the "eyeshadow" off. "i'll take you shopping for eye makeup." "really?" "of course!" m/n said, pecking mark's lips. "thank you!" mark said, hugging his boyfriend tightly. m/n only laughed, stroking marks hair gently.


the couple had moved into their new apartment, happily putting away their new dish ware. "hand me the cup," m/n said, mark passing him the glasses. placing them in the cabinet, m/n grabbed the pile of recycling. "baby i'm going to go put the recycling out and i'll be right back." "okay!" mark said, grabbing the new mugs they bought to put them in the open cabinet. sliding the first one on, he placed the second, making his way to the fourth and final one.

the front door opened, the cup slipping out of mark's hands and onto the floor. "mark!" m/n said, running to hug his boyfriend close. "are you alright angel?" mark slowly nodded, nervous by the sudden drop. "i'm sorry i broke it." he said with a pout, m/n laughing. "don't worry love. they were cheap and it's just a mug." "you sure?" "of course." mark shyly connected their lips, m/n kissing back softly to not scare the boy.

"now we have to clean this up." "eugh!"


mark and m/n walked down the street, mark's eyes drifting to a nearby convenience store. "let's go in." he said, pulling his boyfriend into the small store. mark looked around, eyes widening at a package of gummy worms. "do you want them?" m/n asked, mark pulling them off the display.

with a bright smile on his face, mark payed, opening his new bag of gummy worms. continuing on their way to the mall, mark ate the candy, m/n smiling happily at his happy boyfriend. "i want one." m/n frowned, mark grabbing one from the bag, m/n stealing it. "hey!" mark said, pushing m/n into the mall. the couple laughed, mark getting ran into.

falling onto the floor, mark realized he didn't have his bag of gummy worms. "oh no..." he frowned, the candy spread on the floor, tears pulling in his eyes. "baby," m/n said, sitting down and holding mark. "don't cry please. we can get you some more." mark's silent tears stopped, now focusing on getting up.

"there we go." m/n said, helping mark up, only to pick up the gummies from the floor. "let's by some new ones and then shop?" he asked, clasping hands with mark, tears still in his eyes. "okay." he squeaked, m/n chuckling. "i love you so much baby." "i love you too."


the couple walked along the street, entering m/n's friend's house for a party. the home reaked of alcohol, mark holding tightly onto m/n's hand. "i don't like this." m/n mumbled, mark standing up straight. "i'll protect you babe." breaking out in a smile, m/n ruffled mark's hair, going to sit on the couch.

they sat and enjoyed drinks, m/n conversing with his friends as mark sat next to him, head on his shoulder. "ew." someone said, mark sitting up. "what did you say?" "i knew m/n was fucking gay. he's nasty." a voice said, mark grinding his teeth. "shut the fuck up." mark said, standing up. "babe-" m/n said, grabbing mark's hand, quickly letting go.

"if you have a problem with our relationship keep it to yourself. trust me, no girl is going to want someone who thinks it's alright to shit talk about a couple just enjoying each other's presence." rolling his eyes, the guy stood up, staring at mark. "at least i'm straight. you're gay and so that's gross." "you toddler. you clearly don't understand the point. you don't have to agree with gay people but keep the homophobia to yourself." "i'm not listening to someone who's dating that bitch-"

"come on m/n, we're leaving." mark said, m/n grabbing mark's hand. "never speak about my boyfriend like that you twat." glaring at the shithead, mark and m/n left the house, m/n next to his boyfriend.

"i'm sorry love." mark said, rubbing m/n's knuckles. "it's okay. you didn't have to do that." "but i did." laughing, m/n stopped, pulling mark into a hug. "you looked really cool baby." pulling away, mark smiled, eye's glimmering. "really? i'm glad you think so- i mean," mark said, clearing his voice. "of course i looked cool."

laughing, m/n pecked mark's lips, mark blushing. "you're such a dork." "hey!" mark pouted, m/n brushing his lip with his thumb. "my dork." he clarified, mark smiling. "much better." mark said, m/n chuckling before leaning in for another kiss.

word count: 952
status: unedited
original date of publish: 8/2/2023

happy birthday to my favorite dork mark!
coolest 24 year old fr
anyways im sleeping night night


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