get away-taeil

304 16 2

tw! cursing and mentions of s*x in conversation

m/n scrolled through his phone, suitcase in his hand as he waited for taeil to show up to his family's house. his phone rang, m/n picking it up happily as his brother walked in shirtless, hickeys on his neck. "put a fucking shirt on. taeil's coming over." "oh you mean your hot boyfriend? yeah mine's sitting in my bed with the inability to move because we just fucked but yeah i'll throw on a shirt." he said, grabbing an apple, smirking as m/n flipped him off.

"hi babe." m/n said, taeil laughing over the connection. "is your brother being an ass?" agreeing, m/n looked out the window, seeing taeil's car pulled up. "yeah. he and his boyfriend had some personal time while i was in the house so that was traumatic." "at least i'm outside waiting for you!" smiling, m/n opened the door, jumping into his boyfriend's arms. "ugh i've missed you." taeil smiled, kissing m/n happily. "please don't do this." m/n's brother said, taeil rolling his eyes. "go take care of your boyfriend. we're leaving for the week." "bye!" he said, walking into his bedroom before taeil connected their lips again.

"ready to go?" m/n nodded, taking his suitcase and backpack and putting them into the trunk of taeil's car. "i'm so excited babe." taeil said, putting his hand on m/n's thigh. "me too. how was touring?" "tiring as hell. i'm glad we're back together." humming, m/n turned on the music, taeil sighing happily as he pulled onto the highway toward the airport.


putting their suitcases in the overhead bin, m/n sat by the window and taeil sitting next to him, happily clasping their hands. "i'm so excited!" m/n happily tapped his feet against the floor, taeil kissing his ear. "i'm excited too. it's been so long since i've been here with you." alongside promotions and touring, m/n and taeil had not been able to hang out as much as they wanted, the thought of taeil's mandatory service looming overheated. the plane started to move, taking off into the clouds, m/n gripping onto taeil's house before they stabilized.

pulling his tray table down, taeil put in one of his airpods, handing the second one to m/n. "want to watch a show?" "i'm going to sleep." m/n said, leaning his head on taeil's shoulder, kissing his neck. "okay love." he smiled, kissing m/n's temple as he drifted off to sleep, taeil opting for a calm playlist instead before kissing m/n's head again and clasping onto his body tighter.


"i can't believe we're here!" taeil said, clasping their hands together as they looked for their rental car. "it's exciting, i know. i'll drive?" m/n said, taeil handing him the keys as m/n started the car. getting into the car, they pulled out from the parking lot, taeil putting the address on the screen.

making their way down the road, m/n and taeil found their small beachside house, a jeju sign hanging from the door. "it's so nice." taeil said, bringing their suitcases from the trunk, m/n groaning. "and it only took 45 minutes." he said, rolling his neck around. "sorry love." he said, kissing m/n's chin.

"it's almost sunset. want to unload groceries a have a drink?" m/n nodded, putting the brown paper bags on the counter, taking out the bottle of wine and pouring it into two glasses. putting the cold items away, the couple walked outside to the porch, gasping at the site of the sunset and ocean waves mixing. "it's beautiful." "like you." "we're breaking up." m/n said, walking away, taeil grabbing his waist. "baby don't leave me." "okay then." he smiled, kissing taeil's lips.

disconnecting their lips, taeil cupped his face, pulling their lips together again. m/n loved the feeling of taeil's smooth lips against his, his teeth prodding against his skin. "watch the sunset." m/n choked out, patting taeil's hips before drinking a sip of wine. "i would rather watch you but okay." he responded, wrapping his arms around m/n's torso. "want to get takeout?" "yeah, there's a jjajjangmyeon restaurant down the road. i'll get some if you unpack." kissing taeil's lips, m/n went upstairs to their bedroom, unzipping their suitcases. "i'll be back soon!" taeil called, closing the door behind him

unpacking their suitcases, he put taeil's shirts in the dressers, taking one and stripping from his current shirt, putting it on. "his clothes are comfortable." he smiled, finishing the last item before laying on their bed. "babe!" taeil sang, m/n walking downstairs. "welcome home." humming, taeil kissed his lips, hugging him tightly. "my shirt? it looks really good on you." "glad you like it."

opening the bag of food, m/n grabbing his bowl and chopsticks, slurping it down. "slow down babe." taeil laughed, kissing his head. the couple laughed together, eating their meal. "i'm sleepy." m/n pouted, taeil giggling. "want to sleep bubs?" nodding, taeil picked m/n up, walking into the bathroom. "brush your teeth." picking up his toothbrush, m/n sloppily brushed his teeth, taeil giggling. "alright bedtime."

grabbing m/n's hand, taeil walked with him to the bedroom, tucking them both under the covers. "it's nice to be here with you." taeil said, kissing m/n's lips. m/n sleepily agreed, clinging himself to his partner. "sleep then." kissing his forehead, taeil cuddled into m/n, hearing his sleeping boyfriend breath.

"it's nice to get away with you." taeil smiled, drifting off with his partner.

word count: 937
status: unedited
original date of publish: 6/14/2023

grr idk what this was
hbd to my king taeil
in the next 4 hours a seungkwan oneshot comes out.


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