chosen flowers-xiaojun

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xiaojun smiled, picking out flowers from the buckets that laid around his shop, putting them in a smaller container behind the counter. checking his watch, he sighed, walking out the front to change the signed from closed to open.

roaming around the shop, he plucked out the dying stems and wilting flowers, placing them in the small compost container in the staff room. the bells on the door rang, xiaojun turning around to greet the customer. "welcome!"

"hello!" they said, smiling at the large shop. "is there anything in specific you're looking for today?" "i'm finding something for my mom? she likes pastel colors." xiaojun thought carefully, looking around. "we have some dahlias we just got in." the customer glanced over, smiling. "ooh they're pretty."

"want me to make you a bouquet?" the customer nodded, xiaojun smiling as he pulled out the stems and into his non dominant hand. going to the cashier, he rung up all the stems, grabbing a few from behind the counter. "that'll be $9." he smiled, the customer sliding their card over. xiaojun quickly rolled the bouquet in paper, handing it to the customer. "thank you!"

they excited the store, xiaojun smiling happily.


sighing, xiaojun lifted his head off the desk, the a new customer coming in. "welcome!" "can i get a bouquet of pink roses?" xiaojun nodded, putting 10 flowers together and taking them to the counter. "that will be $10." the person nodded, paying as xiaojun wrapped the flowers in paper.

"are you giving these to someone?" the guy nodded, xiaojun handing them over. "i'm surpising my girlfriend with them. she recently got back from her work trip." xiaojun smiled. "i'm sure she'll appreciate it. goodbye."

"who are those flowers for?" he asked, pointing at the flowers behind the counter. "those?" xiaojun asked, warmly smiling at the smile he could see on his boyfriend's face. "i'm saving them for my partner." "i think they'll like it." he said, bowing. "thank you."

xiaojun smiled, checking his watch, running to change the door to closed. he prepared to shut down the shop, ready to return to his boyfriend. quickly grabbing once last piece of paper, he rolled up the bouquet, grabbing his bag before leaving his small shop.


unlocking his apartment door, xiaojun smiled, his boyfriend napping on the coach. laughing, xiaojun took off his jacket and shoes, sitting next to m/n on the couch. "dejun?" m/n sleepily said, xiaojun kissing his forehead. "hi sweetheart."

sticking his hands up, m/n pulled his boyfriend toward him, xiaojun smiling happily. "how was your nap?" "good." m/n yawned, pecking xiaojun's cheek. "look." xiaojun said, placing m/n's bouquet in his lap.

"dejun!" he said, smiling brightly, xiaojun holding his hand. "it's gorgeous!" "i'm glad you like it." "let's put it in water.

xiaojun sat up, taking the paper off and snipping the ends, placing it in the vase. m/n looked up, happy with xiaojun's choice of flowers. "babe cuddle me!"

laughing, xiaojun ran over, falling in his arms. m/n played with his boyfriend's dress shirt, xiaojun sighing. "thank you for the flowers. how did you know i woukd like them?" pecking m/n's lips, xiaojun smiled, ruffling his hair.

"i know you." "you can really pick flowers." the two connected their lips, smiling brightly as they embraced each other.

word count: 557
status: unedited
original date of publish: 8/8/2023

happy xiaojun day!!
(also seungcheol and younghoon too)
short oneshot bc im tired
im sleeping gn


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