lie with you-ten

193 7 8

ten x non!idol male reader
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: cursing, mentions of making out, mentions of explicit relationships, crappy angst
this is sad :( its bad but i love it

opening the door to ten's bedroom, m/n smiled brightly, ten laying down on his bed happily. "baby, i'm here!" ten looked up from his phone, giving m/n a bright smile. "hi m/n."

plopping down on the corner of ten's bed, m/n put his head on ten's stomach, the clock pointed at midnight. "i've missed you!" m/n smiled brightly, kissing ten's chin. "you've missed having sex you mean?" ten laughed, m/n rolling his eyes. "always assuming, huh baby?"

kissing m/n's lips, ten readjusted the two, m/n hovering over ten, lips locking together. pulling up the corners of ten's shirt, m/n put his hands on ten's waist, rubbing the soft skin. "how have you been?" he muttered, ten smiling softly. "better now that you're here." pecking ten's lips, m/n flopped down, getting under the covers, holding his arms out. "come here baby." he smiled, ten rolling his eyes, joining m/n under the covers.

"i wanted a kiss." ten grumbled, cuddling close into m/n's chest, his heart faltering. this isn't going to last forever. m/n gently pecked ten's lips, smiling. "there you go." grabbing at m/n's chin, ten connected their lips, m/n immediately kissing back.

moving up, m/n hovered over ten, ten smiling brightly. trailing kisses down ten's chin, m/n kissed ten's chin, gently leaving a mark on his soft skin. "i love you." m/n mumbled, ten's heart dropping. don't say that to me. please.

pulling their lips apart, ten smiled softly, patting m/n's shoulder. "let's just lie together, alright?" nodding his head, m/n laid down to ten, snuggling into him. "i'm okay with that." he laughed, kissing the crook of ten's neck. "let's watch sky castle again." m/n muttered, his face pressed up against ten's shoulder.

"whatever you want to do m/n." ten laughed, grabbing his laptop and putting it on their laps. "let's get through one episode this time without you making out with me, okay?" "that was one time!" m/n whined, ten kissing his cheek. "best episode of a drama i've ever watched."

as the intro started, ten sighed, snuggling deeper into m/n's side. just enjoy this while it lasts. simple as that. subconsciously, m/n brought ten's forehead to his lips, pecking the skin lightly, a bright smile on his face. m/n wasn't good for him.


ten seen with boyfriend?

i found these photos. ten with his bf??

 ten with his bf??

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