acrophobia-haechan & renjun

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tw! fear of planes and flying

sitting in the trio's spare bedroom, m/n lazily laid over their king bed, sitting on a pile of clothes while scrolling on his phone. "angel?" renjun knocked, donghyuck running in to hug and lay kisses on his partner's face. "packing?" he asked, bear gripping onto m/n's chest. "nope." chuckling, renjun walked over, shoving donghyuck off. "give him space."

leaning over, renjun pushed back m/n's hair, kissing his forehead gently. "we're leaving for jilin city tomorrow." the trio were going back to china to visit renjun's parents as the ability to travel opened up recently. m/n's blood turned cold, donghyuck pouting. "are you okay?" "i'm scared." he whispered, the two hugging onto him tightly. "why love?" letting out a puff of breath, m/n put his face in renjun's shoulder. "i hate planes. i don't want to go on a plane."

kissing m/n's lips, donghyuck grabbed his hand. "we'll be right next to you angel. we're going to let nothing hurt you." smiling, the the hugged tightly, renjun kissing his ear. "come, we'll help you pack."

giggling, m/n grabbed his shirt, renjun slapping his butt as donghyuck stole the hanger, running around the room. "i thought we were supposed to pack?" "teasing you is much more fun."


"love, it's time to wake up." fluttering his eyes open, m/n smiled at renjun's face, his heart fluttering at the soft kiss pressed against his lips. "ugh." haechan groaned, snuggling his face into m/n's back. "wake up donghyuck." renjun rubbing his head. "5 more minutes." "and miss our flight? no thanks."

the words shouldn't scare him, but m/n felt his eyes well up with tears, water trickling down his face. "bubu, are you alright?" m/n opened his mouth to talk, but instead broke out in tears. "my baby, why are you crying." renjun asked, rubbing the tears off his face, the water quickly being replaced. "i'm scared. i'm really really scared." "it's okay love." donghyuck whispered, kissing his ear lightly, rubbing his stomach.

" see i-i don't want to go." he hicced, renjun frowning. "you were so excited to see my parents though baby." "i know. i'm sorry renjun." "don't be sorry." he smiled, kissing his lips lovingly. "hey, i think we should still go." donghyuck whispered, holding onto him tightly. "we'll have a great time and if you don't want to fly for a while we don't have to love."

"okay." m/n sobbed, smiling as the tears caked his face. "still looking like an angel when crying." donghyuck smiled, patting his head before standing up. "time to get up. we'll get you changed into something cozy." nodding, donghyuck lifted him up, opening the closet and grabbing clothes for all three of them.

putting on a pair of pajama pants, m/n slid on donghyuck's shirt, snuggling into renjun's body. "ah my baby," he smiled, patting m/n's hair, m/n sniffling. "please don't cry angel." donghyuck asked, kissing his lips.

"ready to go?" m/n nodded, clasping hands with renjun before grabbing his suitcase and walking out the door.

he got this.


he did not have this.

the three were in the airport, m/n sitting alone at the gate, renjun getting them breakfast while donghyuck looked for snacks. the chaos of the area made him overwhelmed. he just wanted one of his boyfriend's to come over and kiss him, telling him it would be alright.

"angel!" donghyuck smiled, kissing m/n's lips before sitting next to him, wrapping a hand around his waist. "it's just two hours angel. not an overnight flight. we'll be here together." "look at my boyfies." renjun smiled, taking a picture. "i was just comforting our baby. he's still jumpy." "aw love." renjun cooed, going in between m/n's legs to hug him tightly. "it'll be okay." m/n sighed, kissing renjun's shoulder and rubbing his face into his soft tour shirt. "flight to jilin city, china now boarding."

"it's now or never." swallowing his fears, renjun clasped their hands, showing the workers their boarding passes. donghyuck put their suitcases in the overhead bins, renjun sitting in the window, getting m/n to sit in the middle.

the flight quickly filled up, donghyuck holding his hand tightly. the flight attendant started to talk, m/n spacing out as the plane started moving. "love, we're going." putting his hands on his armrests, m/n clenched the edges, stomach lurching as the plane sped up.

"i can't i can't-" m/n muttered, renjun grabbing his hand. "squeeze my hand tightly love." donghyuck leaned over, taking m/n's hand before leaving multiple pecks on his neck and cheeks. "you're safe angel. me and renjun are proud of you." "hyuck's right." renjun smiled, playing with m/n's hair.

the plane evened out, m/n's breaths evening out. "you did it angel!" donghyuck cheered, leaving a kiss on his lips, m/n smiled. "i did it!" donghyuck left another kiss on his cheek, putting his head on m/n's shoulder before drifting to sleep. grabbing his book, m/n cuddled into his boyfriend, renjun smiling before getting a sketchbook.

"tell me if you need something love." renjun smiled, kissing m/n's exposed shoulder, hot lips making butterflies fly in his stomach. "i promise." "give me attention." donghyuck mumbled, m/n chuckling before pecking his lips, patting his head.


clutching renjun's hand, m/n grimaced as they descended. "i'm so proud of you my prince. you did so well. i'll give you so many kisses when we get to my parents house." smiling, donghyuck kissed his ear, humming. "very proud angel. so strong. i'm sorry we had to go on a plane." "it'll be worth it when renjun's mom babies us and forgets about her son." "hey!" "only true love." donghyuck teased, renjun frowning.

unbuckling their seatbelt, donghyuck got their bags down, m/n and renjun standing up and getting in line to exit. "that wasn't so bad." m/n smiled, renjun kissing his lips when they exited the plane and made their way to customs.

"i'm glad."

word count: 1015
status: unedited
original date of publish: 6/27/2023
requested by and for: -DYTY11 <33

happy birthday to my love :(
i love you so much and i'm so proud of you
kisses and hugs mwua
i think this is rlly cute 😼
okay goodnight :)


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