Chapter 8 | Not Yet Lost

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"Ms. Poland, are you SURE this was the brightest idea?!" Began a Polish Air Force commander, "If Washington finds out, they're going to be pissed!"

Poland gave a chuckle, humming as she turned to him, "Washington may try all they can with their strategies and tactics against the aliens."

She then turns to some approaching personnel, "But sometimes all you need is a little ... specialized touch."

Poland then outreaches her hand as she welcomes in the people. She looked over to them and gave them a wave, before also giving a gesture that pretty much said, "Over here, please."

As she welcomed them in, the Polish commander noticed that they all were wearing armor that was significantly more advanced, and when they looked over the commander was shocked at how significantly advanced they looked.

"Where in the name of God did they come from?" She questioned, causing Poland to shake their hands.

"Somewhere from the future."

"She dragged us out from the forests...I'm more scared than confused as to why she dragged us. Anyways, situation, Europe is falling, enemies on two fronts, looking like a repeat of the 1 month of shame, and you hate it, correct ma'am?"

"That is correct," she begins, "I am watching my western allies try and take down these monsters, but they are failing harder than what I'd think is possible."

He rubbed his chin. "So you want to hold the line? Or have a PR stunt?" The armored man asked the shorter girl, the mad dog of Europe.

"Hmmm..." Poland thought about it, before responding, "Why not both?" She began, "My forces not only holding the line successfully, but also inspiring forces around this planet to get their asses together to defend, what do you say?"

"That will be difficult, since the PR stunt requires major sacrifices, but it will delay a majority of the enemy forces. But holding the line means grinding then down long enough for our reinforcements to arrive." He flat out said.

"You have any advice for that if I can use..." she goes over and pats a crate, marked with the U.S. Air Force emblem and various nuclear warnings. "This?"

The Polish Air Force commander went up, "15 Megaton nuclear warhead, courtesy of the United States Air Force base in Germany." She scratches her head, "It was acquired through Polish Special Forces, the Air Force base was too much in a frenzy to keep their base security up."

"I have a wide berth of pilots who will gladly sacrifice their life not only for Poland, but for all of humanity."

The man rubbed his chin as he wondered what to do. "Alright, I got an idea, look for the largest warship, and Kamikaze attack them. You need a distraction to keep their fire on it as your aircraft go in. It will be a severe loss, but if my training serves me right, they always lower parts of their shields to open fire. While it is small, a bomb can easily fit inside. The pilot should be able to get in close to the opening, launch the bomb between the shield and the hull, and let it strike the shields. While the shields will contain the blast, it will contain the blast."

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