Chapter 50 | Revelation

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The Doctor had turned to send fireballs at the enemy soldiers down the hallway, many of them getting evaporated when it made impact with them. Many of the walls began to crumble around the hostels who had begun to duck out of the way. "---------!"

The floor began to break again, cracks forming again. Metal began to bend once more, and operators joined a charge of debris and steel supports-turned-daggers. Daggers that flew and honed into the skulls of the enemy forces. Cutting through goggles and snuffing out the green lights.

As for the Doctor, he jumped into the enemy lines, literally, he jumped so hard that not only does the enemy and allies alike not see him teleport to the nearest enemy, but that he left a crater where he was, with a round kick primed and ready to be released into the body of an unlucky soldier.

But he didn't go for one individual man.

Instead, he found a juicer group of targets and began to pounce on them.

His feet landed dead center in the chest of one of his enemies, completely obliterating him. The force of it caused the equipment and armor that he had on to shatter and slice up the rest of his comrades like a blender, a bit of a gorier fate for that little fireteam.

The Doctor landed on his feet, before quickly raising his arm to block a fist that was supposed to be coming right for him. From a soldier who just arrived, but disarmed of his rifle because of that opening attack.

That soldier seemed to try to speak before the tactician laid an absolute haymaker into his skull. He was sent instantly flying back, knocking out and crushing a few more that were trying to enter the halls. Another 5 were gone, and the Doctor was going to keep going.

He zipped out of the way – to the astonishment of Texas who just got out here – of a stream of bullets coming from a sort of lobby area. Quickly, using his speed, he arrived at the location of a few gunners who practically jumped in fear of the Doctor right before them.

Well, with a swift swing of his legs, all of them were sent 6 feet below ground. A crash, and with the force that followed, a wave of rubble began to spike up and crushed more enemies with the force of 3 bodies and a fiery powered kick. Somebody zipped by him, a chainsaw roaring.

Fire flew from the tail of Blaze, and soon some escaped the teeth of her famous chainsaw. "----------–!" fire flew forward, arts firing up and extending the range of her destruction to more people down the hall. She didn't let any of them have any respite, no succor.



Bullets seemed to have flown past him, in the general direction of where his allies were. But he did not register, nor process that. Rather, he went absolutely berserk on a group of enemies somewhere close by.

One hit, and they were gone.

Buried under a pillar that he strategically collapsed to not only crush them, but to also reveal a squad of new enemies that he swiftly serviced with one lightning-propelled kick that... well he can't tell what happened to them.

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