Chapter 47 | Water Vapour

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So this is what Columbia was warning us about then.

That was on the tip of President Lelai's thoughts when the absolute invasion of the entire world of Terra came. She was happy, oh she was SO happy that she signed off on that defense budget increase before this all kicked off.

But that does not mean that she was happy with the way things were going. The Union Congress hasn't met ever since the start of the invasion, while all virtual meeting technologies practically went offline when Trimounts fell.

As such, she was left no choice but to take on the war powers that have been bestowed upon her in an emergency provision within Columbia's constitution. This, as a president, grants her incredible executive powers.

The power to order the DoD around as freely as she'd like or needed to. To requisition equipment companies, some of whom would have been too stubborn to do so otherwise. Hell, she might be able to reign in that supposed deep state that has been within her nation for a long time now.

As such, she was toiling away, trying to get orders out for everything. From anything that can shoot up towards the sky, to better bombs. She was contacting Raythean, Common Principles, everything under the sun.

Because Law knows that if she doesn't get these orders out, there won't be a sun that they can even exist under. Nor would there be a Terra that is free.

One hell of a fucking task you have given me! She complains to Carol, but there was nothing that the woman can do but nod her head and try and go along with the fucking mess. Cause there was no way the personification could do anything right now.

Especially since they were no longer on the planet.

That she can't exactly confirm, but she felt it.

Rhine Labs was unfortunately offline, which is an incredible shame since that corporation was by far the most powerful in all of Terra and it was where most of their power armor was coming from.

A complete and utter loss for the infantry.

"Fuck fuck..." she goes and signs something, "Okay, we need some more tanks here..." she moves over to another side of her desk, "Drones! Drones are always a good investment."

Quadracopters, Octocopters, those things. All of them were being ordered by the metric fuck ton and the president wanted them on the front lines as fast as humanly possible.

Blue collar workers were also being conscripted by an incredibly fast rate, Arts users too. The war was going incredibly sideways and Columbia needed all men and women on deck ready to fight if Trimounts got repeated.

Or the border city of Krinight, or Proposa. Sal Viento?

Well, cities were being fucked over by the load, and she was hoping that literally EVERYTHING the Department of Defense was doing behind her back was practically ready. Project Diabolical, Horizon Arc, everything.

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