Chapter 31 | Strategic Politics

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Western Terra was home to many nations which often were described as off-shoots of countries that originated from Bolivar.

Well, rather, Bolivarian origin. Sometimes a researcher or a political analyst would make a connection to Iberia every so often.

These countries are legitimate in almost all of the senses.

A functioning government, an economy, militaries to enforce their borders, mobile cities, civilians that paid their taxes and bought consumer goods. Companies that made goods, and workers that made products, and generated revenue.

News, media, and even stories too.

Everything about them seemed perfectly legitimate and hell, Columbia was all fine and dandy trading with a good number of them, as well as the nation of Sargon.

But there was something... strange about these governments. An uncanny valley if you will.

Columbia never fully trusted what she called the "Remains of the Iberian order" out west. Governors and senators from all over the country were always suspicious of them, perhaps it might have just their Liberi nature or their Perro nature - always on guard and/or always paranoid.

But they couldn't help but cite that there was something wrong with these countries in every political campaign.

And honestly? As the coming calamity finally began to gather its clouds, the Union Congress had all rights to do so.

Other than the original Bolivar government, there was always this... suspicious aura over the other governments that existed out there.

While yes, the Maylander foundation found these governments to be legitimate - legal codes and executive powers judicial systems too! - they always have this weird line or phrasing within their mottos or in their military doctrines.

Always mentioning a king, always mentioning to fear not them, always mentioning that they are the superior...

Always proclaiming that their king of anarchy or chaos was there.

It was weird.

The same analysts often thought that maybe when Iberia fell apart after the silencing, there was some sort of hidden cult, perhaps a supposed "Deep-state" royalty that existed in the countries that persisted.

In some way, they were right. There was a deep-state within these countries. Not plural, a single.

A perfect front. Governments had rights to secrets, they had their sovereignty, and they had their ideals.

And if a foreign power tried to pry? A war would be declared, bringing all the resources of the nations - no matter how much of a front it would be - to bear.

And nobody likes wars, for they chew through valuable resources so quickly.

So these nations were left alone for the time being, if not under a bit of surveillance from the outside.

Unaware of the situation, the Union Congress accidentally gave a certain demonic empire free reign of the area so long as those fronts stood.

Which leads to the current situation. While these countries seemed to have been relaxed, in recent days, things were getting weirder, as the Columbian military and intelligence would report.

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