Chapter 38 | Ancient past

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The ship began to gently rock itself towards a suitable location within the crater. Initially, the surprise was that they were really descending upon a moon. About to have their feet land on a plane that was not their own, but rather celestial in all nature.

When they saw the quick images and all of the facilities, they immediately thought that hey, maybe they were landing on an ancient military base of a time long ago. It made sense, there were a lot of things that were in line with defense batteries and missile launchers, so there was very little doubt that it belonged to anything but a platform that was all for defense.

That turns out to be the result of some tunnel vision. The sensors and cameras of earlier were rather focusing on it because it was the largest, most noticeable feature. Saria was to blame for that, she tunnel visioned a little too hard because of her nature.

Though they had thought it to be a military base, it turns out that it was much more like a giant urban center with a military base built into it. The revelation came when an operator came running around, amazement all over their features.

"Doctor!" The Cautus began, "Look!" And they showed a hologram which beamed the image of the city, large and proud. Shining within the crater against the light of the sun.

Abandoned it may be, but they still have many buildings standing high with multiple weapons implements all around the city. Some lights still glimmered and shined, despite the fact that the ancient civilization that was here is long long long gone. But what was the most curious part is the fact that there was a massive triangle on an absolutely massive building.

That military section was likely just a part of the defense grid that helped protect the city back when there were people here. A great part of the Greater Union of Terra, and it was this moon and the crater with a city.

A city on the moon, oh there would be many scientists and astrologists back home screaming and frothing at the mouths at the fact that such a prospect existed.

However, this was disconcerting for Amiya, who was holding to her sword and looking at the way out of the ship with fear. Not because of the fact that she was about to be one of the first of her kind to be on one of the twin moons, no no nothing like that.

Actually, it's the more subtle question that she had in her mind. One that she can't help but mutter under her breath with the grip around her sword only tightening.

"What horrible... sick virus swept over the greater union of old if it had marvels like this...?" She was not privy to that story, at least not yet she believes. She hoped that soon she and her fellow compatriots would have the answers.

But what would the answers entail?

"Doctor..." Amiya began, quietly to the man as the ship got closer and closer with the skyscrapers engulfing the craft. "I'm scared." She admitted, and looked a little shy about it.

However, the Doctor was in awe, more at the sheer size, wondering as to how did they travel, what modes of transportation do they use, more about the daily life of this place as he went to hold Amiya's hand, searching for any vehicle or vehicles, even if they are not functional, at least some components can be sent back to Terra to study and make life easier.

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