Haeun was hesitant.
She was debating with herself whether she could talk to Sunwoo or otherwise. What if he would be enraged if she talk to him?
After all, he never mentioned that they had back to talking term after what had happened.
"What should I do?" she whined a bit too loud that it ended up reaching Sunwoo's ears, his head turned around in a real quick. But then he was taken aback when a loud thud was heard. Haeun was being clumsy that she ended up hitting her forehead against the wooden surface of the table. "Ouch".
She rubbed the sore spot, a hunch was telling her that she would soon be embarrassed, that she should not turn around right there and then.
But, curiosity got the best of her. She did turn around just to find her hunch correct.
Sunwoo's eyes were widen, his thick lips slightly parted, he seemed to get the pain Haeun was experiencing.
He wanted to ask if she was fine but he still had some ego left in him. Even after all he had done, he still was not able to find the courage to amend the broken relationship between them both.
"Sorry for interrupting you", Haeun said, pulling her chair more closer to the desk.
Somehow, Kim Haeun being careful around him was funny. If Sunwoo had never seen the bubbly side of her, he probably was thinking that this side was her original self.
"What exactly you wanted to ask me?" he questioned, in which Haeun blinked harshly, finding a way to avoid this awkward moment. "Oh stop it. I know you have something to ask".
"I......" she trailed off, head leaned against her palm. "Don't have anything to ask".
She then faked her laugh, hoping that Sunwoo would buy the lie but he obviously did not. He kept staring at her with a raised brow which never failed to intimidating her.
Nonetheless, that was not enough to give Haeun a courage to ask 'have you seen my journal?'
Who know if Sunwoo would be offended by the question? Some more, what if he felt like she was accusing him for stealing?
Haeun definitely could never see the sunlight tomorrow.
"If you have nothing to ask, then I have", he broke the silence, Haeun was now pondering, slightly anticipating. "H-How are y-you feeling?"
His gaze was everywhere except for her pretty orbs, his voice almost sounded like a mumble. The stammering surprisingly had brought smile on Haeun's face. She did doubt her ears for one second.
Was he really cared about her?
"As for now, I'm good", she beamed, almost springing on her seat. "More better actually because you're talking to me".
At that, the grumpy Sunwoo effortlessly had come back, meeting her eyes - his were full with hatred under the thick furrowed brows.
It was a cue for Haeun, that she was no longer safe.
"Oops, sorry".
But somehow, an apology from her had woken Sunwoo up that he probably had done that again - ringing an impression of a bad boy. He definitely did not mean to scare her, it had been naturally drawn on his face.
Silence then fell upon the two. Haeun awkwardly tapping the table with her finger, hoping that something could cut the discomfort she felt.
And as if it was a big help sent by the world, Sunwoo's phone on the table dinged a notification which Haeun caught in a speed of lightning.
It was a notification from a social media, alerting Sunwoo that a celebrity he was following just updating a post.
Though Sunwoo retrieved the phone in a real quick and shoved it into the drawer, he could not wipe those stares from the girl next to him. He did expect for a teasing one but when he carefully glance over her, it was an understandable but questionable.
"So... Harin is your ideal type huh?" she asked cutely leaving him with no other choices other than being flustered.
"W-What are you talking about?"
"Ayee, don't be shy", she hit the air, assuring the boy because she knew very well, Sunwoo probably did not want anyone to know about his crush for a celebrity. "So what if you idolise a celebrity? You're also a human".
Her remark had touched a soft spot in Sunwoo's heart. It was simple yet comforting which he never expected to hear from anyone, let alone a different gender.
"You don't find it weird?" he nonchalantly asked which in no time Haeun shook her head.
"Why must I?" she asked back but she did not demand for an answer. If she did, she would not have minded her own business, being oblivious that the boy was still staring at her.
Her side profile was outstanding in Sunwoo's eyes. Specifically when she redid her ponytail.
Where was him all this time that he did not notice this beauty from the start? Was he even here?
"Such a waste", he let that out from his lips but then realized that he probably had said it way too loud. It was not supposed to be heard by anybody.
"What was wasted?" Haeun questioned, pondering as she looked at him.
"Did I say that? No, I didn't", he pushed his chair backward -the screeching sound echoed, before he pushed himself up. "You heard it wrong".
He walked around the table soullessly, almost looked like a zombie and Haeun was concerned. She had never seen this boy in this state, it was worrying.
"Sunwoo, are you okay?"
"Me..? Yes, I'm fine", and he stumbled over nothing.
He stole a glance over his shoulder after steadying himself on his feet, noticing Haeun was looking at him. A palm was placed on her chest whilst her eyes were slightly wide.
After some times being seatmate and finding out about her illness, that pose of her did scare him. What if she was in pain? Or maybe short of breath? Or the worst, she could not even breathe.
But, the reality hit him as many eyes of his classmates were on him as well. So Sunwoo concluded that her attention was originally on him and that, she was worried if he had hurt himself.
He did not know why, but he was smiling just by thinking of it.

FanfictionThe future we've planned is just a mirage. "I was selfish, I'd never thought of the consequences"