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It firmly left Eric's mouth as the girl before his eyes shot him a pleading look. As far as he remembered, he had never survived that look, Haeun knew what would his weakness be.

"Just a sip", Haeun raised her fingers on his eyes level to show how little she wanted from his iced americano.

"And what? Your mom will headlock me for allowing that", he complained, taking the cup higher so that the slight short girl could not reach for it. "Stop! Jia, help me".

His whine absolutely got no power on the said girl. Instead, she would be delightful to see her two friends bickering over nothing. Where else could she watch a free show in front of the lockers so early in the morning?

However, when things started to get messy, specifically when Haeun was so near to pull Eric's hair, Jia just knew she had to step in.

"Calm down", she pulled Haeun away from Eric. "Ask your boy to buy you a milkshake instead".

At that, Haeun sighed that sound so deep, calming herself after getting possessed by whatever demon it was.

This illness had prohibited her to befriending caffeine - it suffocated her.


The stern tone calling for her name did not let her to even process who or why the person come approaching her. She only let a wince out when her right arm was getting yanked - hard.

Right there and then, she seemed to know who he was. The fear on Eric's face also had concreted her speculation, she lifted her head slowly until their eyes met.

"At least say hi to me", she scoffed just to make Jihoon's grasp on her tightening in which she ended up groaning.

"Woah, easy bro", Eric unknowingly interfered after noticing the frown on Haeun's face. All of them surely knew how fragile she was but Jihoon seemed to forget.

"I'm not talking to you, so you can get lost", he glared towards the latter before he planted it on the girl he was holding. "Either you want to talk in private or here. Choose."

Instead of answering right away, Haeun just looked at him lazily, her face was blank. It made him slightly question but did not get the chance to say it aloud when she took the spotlight.

"You have been using more violence on me lately".

Like he had been enchanted, his grasp slightly loosening but still gripping which made the onlookers amaze. They did not know that Haeun had this power to control him.

And the girl herself chuckled before speaking up again, "what is so important that you're humiliating yourself in front of my friends?"

Jihoon's eyes darkened as he pulled her closer, "break up with Sunwoo".

"No", she seemed to expect such a request, she didn't even hesitate to turn it down. "Why must I?"

"Because you will be hurt".

"As far as I remember", she paused, lowering her gaze to his hand that was still gripping her arm. "You're the one who hurt me".

"You jerk!"

It was then, a rather loud voice that was full with hatred was echoing through the hallway, earning attention not only from the four but also the passerby.

From a direction, here came Kim Sunwoo furiously dragging his feet, almost losing his mind. Who would not when their girlfriend was in someone's grasp, specifically their own enemy.

Everything happened was too fast. Suddenly Haeun was free, Jihoon fell on the ground with a loud thud and Sunwoo was on him, grabbing on his collar.

"Who gave you the permission to touch her?" he was furious, already taking up his fist to land it on Jihoon's face.

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