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"You see," Haeun leaned against the chair she occupied comfortably, crossing her arms as she stared at the white lamp attached to the ceiling of the library. "I'm just curious. No other reasons."

"Curious?" Eric put his pen down, pushing the glasses that had slipped down his nose bridge whilst he was reading. "It's rare to hear that Kim Haeun is curious about boys."

He silently giggled, considering that they were in the library and some more the female librarian got really sharp ears. The other day, she even could hear a mouse sneaking around.

"If I am Haeun, I'd be curious too," Jia chimed in, glancing over Eric next to her. "Everyone knows Jihoon and Sunwoo are close. I'd want to find out too why they suddenly look like that."

The girl simply shrugged as Eric huffed in annoyance, poking his tongue through his cheek. Now he really felt like the girls were ganging up on him. Specifically when the two connecting their palms together for a hi-five.

It made the boy rolled his eyes, sulking. For a moment he did think, how good it could have been if there was another boy existed in their circle.

Someone like Sunwoo. But it would only possible if he would reciprocate Haeun's feeling.

"You said you wanted to see Sunwoo practicing," Jia then added, the other girl laid her head on the table, sighing deeply.

"He seemed way too stress earlier. Maybe I shouldn't go."

"Yes you shouldn't," Eric spat in which Haeun lifted her head, shooting him a glare. "What?"

The silent bickering in the library not really amused Jia to see, but she got to admit that these two were still babies. Even small things could trigger them to shoot daggers at each other.

Shaking her head as the two were now cursing through their gazes, she finally spoke up, "Haeun honey, don't you need to study? I thought this mock exam is for everyone?"

They were told by the teachers about the exam that would be held in 2 days through the announcement that blaring in every corners of the school which had received mix reactions.

The elite class might have gotten used to this news since they always sat down for it at least once a month. But this time, all students were involved.

"I don't feel like studying," Haeun shrugged, laying down her cheek on her palm as her elbow was connected to the hard wooden table.

The answer was a shocking one. Because Kim Haeun would never let any opportunities slipped off from her fingers in the term of education.

"You were a top 10 students, Haeun," Jia pointed out, her eyes widened and her lips trembled. She herself could not believe that she was hearing those words from her own friend.

"Well, I was," Haeun emphasized the last word, her eyelids slowly getting droopy. She found it awkward too - to say this aloud, but she somehow could find a bit of encouragement to let it out. "I'm not anymore."

"Hey," it was then Eric elbowing Jia softly, once again pushing up his glasses. "Haeun is a genius. She no need to study too hard to pass the exam. She wouldn't be in the bottom class if it wasn't because of-"

The last word of Eric was muffled against Jia's palm on his mouth as the girl shut him off before he could slip some words that might offend Haeun.

And Eric just realized that he just made a mistake when he saw how the said girl's face fell, she awkwardly fiddling with the papers on the table that was not even hers.

How could Eric have forgotten about that day?

It was the most dreadful day - not even Haeun went through but also her friends. It was the day where everything turned upside down, the day the girl herself had changed her point of view of the world and on top of everything the day where her wish list existed - she wanted a boyfriend.

Not Jia nor Eric wanted to be reminded to that dreadful day and much to their desire, none of them wanted Haeun herself to remember it.

What they wanted was for her to go through her life normally though they knew it was impossible.

The awkward silence fell upon the trio, all were patiently waiting for one of them to break it. No one dared to speak, until Haeun decided to erase the awkwardness.

"I need to go now. Mom is probably here," she smiled sweetly as she jolted up, exchanging glances with the two.

She knew they were not okay with the sudden leaving but she also knew, as long as she was here, the awkwardness would never fade away.

Haeun wanted to assure her friends that she was okay when she heard muffle voice of Jia blaming Eric for sparking the topic behind her back as she dragged her feet towards the exit of the library.

But, she could not bring herself to a halt and turn back. For she did not have a heart to see her friends' faces for now.

And so, she swiftly exited the library after greeting the librarian and let her mind roaming everywhere except for the earlier thing discussed with her friends.

Little did she know, the world was cooperative.

As she stepped out from the building, her feet were halted upon seeing a familiar figure across her who seemed to be taken aback as well. He must have not expected to see her.

Something was holding Haeun back from walking away this time. It was as if this was a fate that had led her to be met with him here.

And she had confirmed it when the boy spoke up, "how are you Haeun?"

"Alive," she answered shortly and it did nothing but Jihoon to let a relief breath. "Can't believe that you're talking to me."

Airy chuckle escaping the boy's lips, he almost forgot that this girl could be a little bit sarcastic. It made him flashing a soft smile, a side that no one had ever seen and it was not something unusual for Haeun to see.

Just like how Sunwoo appeared differently in front of Eric.

But suddenly, Jihoon pulled a tight expression on his face. His eyes turned dark, just like how he always let it shown to other people.

"Don't be too close with Sunwoo."

It was still shocking to hear though Haeun had slightly expected.

"Why?" she questioned shortly, watching the boy huffing in disbelief. It was an order, she did not need to ask for a reason.

"He's not a good person."

"So do you."

"Kim Haeun!" Jihoon did not mean to yell at her, nor scare her but it just inevitable came out in which he immediately regretted it. "Just go home. Your mother has been waiting outside the gate."

Strangely, anything about Jihoon never scared her. She was still there, looking all good as she watched the boy left miserably. Looking at him now somehow had confirmed that something did happen between the boys.

"He really left without saying goodbye," she chuckled, adjusting the strap of her bag over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you too, Park Jihoon."

Unbeknownst to her, an onlooker had been watching her encounter darkly, rages fuming all over his body.

Sunwoo never intended to eavesdropping nor watching. It was just a coincidence that he just finished his soccer practice when he spotted the two in an abnormal encounter whilst he was on the phone, talking to other person.

He was unhappy.

"What game are you on?"

"Game? What game?" it was then he remembered, that the line had not been cut off yet. "Sunwoo, what about this weekend?"

"I'm busy. Is it hard for you to understand?" his voice slightly inclined, startling the girl on the line. "Just go out with your friends."

At that, Sunwoo slammed the red button harshly, ending the call. His eyes flickered from the lock screen of his phone - the picture of the girl was occupying, to Haeun who slowly trailing towards the school gate.

He was getting annoyed with both of them.

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