Sunwoo used all of his emotions to kick the ball which clearly a wrong decision because it ended up hitting the goal post instead of going straight into the net. It made him more enrage than he already did.
Huffing, he cupped his waist as he stared down at his shoes. He had always enjoyed his soccer practice but the presence of the girl who had no intention to stop chasing after him at the bleacher had been spoiling his mood.
"Haeun doesn't seem like that type of girl," one of his teammates, Bomin - the only person who was brave enough to talk to him, came approaching, the innocent ball that had been kicked in his grasp.
"What do you mean?" Sunwoo asked unenthusiastically, trapping the ball Bomin rolled over towards him.
"I've never heard any rumors about her going after someone's boyfriend," it was then both of them spared glances towards the said girl at the bleacher. " never told her that you have a girlfriend?"
At the last word, Sunwoo seemed to have been washed by anger. He scoffed and used all of his energy to kick the ball again in which this time it went right into the net.
He knew by now Bomin could have guessed the answer to his own question and it was concreted when their eyes met, the latter was seen taken aback after reading his face.
"Wow," Bomin gasped. "Why though? I thought you don't like Haeun but you haven't told her about Jiyeon."
It was then Sunwoo's turn to scoff, secretly looking at the said girl at the bleacher. It was not like he purposely did not tell Haeun about his relationship. It was just his nature.
He had never had any intentions to share any of his personal things to anyone. But, it just happened for everyone to know Jiyeon since she came to his practices every so often and introduce herself to them.
When Sunwoo spared Bomin a last glance before he turned on his heels, it was proven that he did not have any comments to kill the latter's curiosity.
Of course he heard Bomin's voice asking again and again as his figure getting smaller in the latter's view. But, Sunwoo being Sunwoo, he could care less.
However, he clearly could not hide his hatred over the girl who was now springing on her feet, waving enthusiastically as she saw him came nearing.
"What are you doing here?" Sunwoo questioned lazily, plopping down next to his duffel bag. "You should've gone home already."
"I'm waiting for you," Haeun sat next to him, passing a water bottle in which Sunwoo was seen contemplating for a second before he took it from her. "Your hair look so fluffy."
It was such an unfortunate thing he heard the comment whilst he was downing the water. The liquid literally had failed to go down his throat, instead all came out - Sunwoo coughed.
How random Kim Haeun could have been?
"Are you trying to kill me?" he glared as he took a tissue from her hand, still coughing.
"I'm sorry," her apology tinted with panic, somehow she was worried if Sunwoo won't be talking to her more after this. "You forgive me right?"
She sounded so desperate, too desperate to be forgiven. And the boy could not help but wondering even more, why must she behave this way?
Ever since she became his seatmate, he had never seen Haeun being this way around other boy. He wondered if she just wanted to impress him and made him agree with her offer - to be her boyfriend.
"Go home, Haeun," Sunwoo sighed as he rose up, the duffel bag was strapped over his shoulder.
He walked away, did not care even one bit about the girl but he should have known that Haeun won't be listening either.
She trailed behind him, trying to match their paces up which then Sunwoo's mind effortlessly travelled back to the day they went out to the carnival.
His feet came to an abrupt halt. Lucky Haeun was fast as well or she would have planted her face on Sunwoo's back.
The boy turned around, looking down at the slight short girl who was panting after a while chasing after him.
Eric was right, she got tired easily.
"You do love to punish yourself, don't you?" he said, noticing the dampness on her skin due to the sweats. But Haeun seemed unable to understand what he wanted to say. She pondered, biting her lower lip in the process. "Why must I waste my time talking to you?"
It was then, Sunwoo turned on his heels again. He told himself that this time he won't turn back around, he would leave Haeun from here.
And he proved it.
Whilst Haeun emphasizing again and again that she wanted to walk with him, he pretended not to hear until her voice turned into a deafening silence in his ears.
Some more, the figure that suddenly appeared in his view right now was displeasing. The figure that he won't stop for, the figure that Sunwoo won't spare any glances though he knew the boy was now glaring at him.
He held tight of the strap of his duffel bag, boldly walking ahead. He assumed that the boy must have stopped for Haeun, for they were friends.
Nonetheless, unbeknownst to him, Haeun as well had no intention to stop for Jihoon. Her eyes were fixated only on Sunwoo and forever would be on him.
But, much to her obliviousness, she never see this coming where Jihoon yanked her arm, pulling her close to him.
"What is this, Kim Haeun?" he questioned with anger filling in his eyes. The girl frowned, starting to feel the pain on her skin that was in contact with Jihoon's grasp. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from Sunwoo?"
"Can you please let go first?" she requested painfully, wincing in which Jihoon just realized that his grasp on her was way too strong.
For the first time after so long, Park Jihoon was heard apologizing which he never did. He would only do that to Kim Haeun for some kind of reasons.
"I don't understand why you're so invested in my life," rubbing the sore spot, Haeun looked up at her old friend. "But Jihoon, you don't have to be bothered with everything I do."
Haeun swore, she saw Jihoon's eyes darkened. He had his own ego, where he could not accept no to everything he said.
Never mind it was Kim Haeun.
"You know I care about you more than anyone else," he leaned down to her ear, whispering, "Stop this, Sunwoo will only hurt you."

FanficThe future we've planned is just a mirage. "I was selfish, I'd never thought of the consequences"