You know that smirk Kim Sunwoo would pull up which instantly make girls go wild? The one that embodied flirtatious, that portrayed how proud he was of himself, knowing that he was hella fine?
Yes, that smirk was now plastered on his face as he came out from the changing room after practice, Kim Haeun was the first thing he saw.
She leaned against the wall, both ears were occupied with earpods whilst she read a book.
The electrifying sensation was sparking from the deep of Sunwoo's stomach. He had always dreamed of to be a part of this picture someday - where his girl would be waiting for him, like this.
He glad that he managed to experience it with Haeun specifically.
The girl, she seemed too engrossed in her reading, she probably won't be noticing his presence. Which means, it was the perfect time to, maybe tease her a little bit.
Carefully, Sunwoo came closer before he swiftly took off one of her earbuds, a bit had startled her.
"Hi baby", he whispered, winking next as she furiously looking at him.
The surprise on her face was too obvious but upon seeing that cheeky smile on his face, Haeun ended up laughing.
"I could've hit you", she groaned, closing the hard cover book she read and retrieved her earbud back from the boy.
"I won't mind, if it's you", Sunwoo sprung himself cutely, taking her hand and placed it on his beating heart. "I'll be glad".
At the sight, suddenly a boisterous cheers were heard which instantly made Haeun turn her head around, looking for its source.
There was a circle of girls who was watching them, even cooing something like 'he holds her hand' , 'how cute of them' , 'kim sunwoo is so romantic' amongst themselves.
Haeun scoffed bitterly as she looked at her boyfriend across her, retreating her hand back before she pulled them into a cross.
"So now you have tons of girls around you?" a raised brow on her face with that soft eye roll did not scare Sunwoo but instead he smirk, inching closer to her.
"Is my Haeun jealous?"
"No....why must I?"
"Ayee", he softly hit her arm, caressing her baby hair next. "You surely are".
It was then, Sunwoo flashed a soft smile as he admiring every features on her face. A part of his heart did break as he notice the difference on her.
Her jawline had become more prominent these days due to the weight she had lost. She did not eat much either during recess. She kept saying that she was not hungry, though Sunwoo knew she had lost her appetite.
It did concern him, but he could not show the worry on his face.
"Staring is rude", she broke the silence in a slightly joking tone, bringing Sunwoo back into the reality.
The boy breathed out, staring nowhere in the process.
"Says someone who used to stare at me all the times and end up falling for me", Sunwoo then side eyeing her, knowing that she would definitely get flustered.
And he was right when Haeun facepalming herself, hoping that she could disappear without any trace.
"You're cute", Sunwoo laughed, taking her hand as he dragged her through the hallway. "Let's go. Your mom will be here any minutes".
Another boisterous noises were then heard, something the couple could not adapt in a second. An ordinary life they used to live in suddenly had changed them to be a center of attentions was kind of weird.

FanfictionThe future we've planned is just a mirage. "I was selfish, I'd never thought of the consequences"