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"What am I doing here?" Eric ran his fingers through his silky hair, glancing over his friend next to him. "What are we doing here?"

Jia who was in the middle of reading broke her stare from her book, pushing her reading glasses upwards with her finger in the process as she looked at the boy. She did not reply, instead, she tilted her head to the higher row of the bleachers they occupied, where Haeun was sitting at.

Eric looked up as well just to see Haeun's admiration for the boy who was doing his warmups in the middle of the field was dripping down from her eyes. She seemed to notice the piercing yet loving stares from her friends, making her looked down at them both.

"We're watching my boyfriend practicing", she said then suddenly she gasped - loudly, earning concerns from the pair. "Boyfriend. I said it myself!"

Up until now, pronouncing the word with her own mouth made her squeal all the time. She had never thought that she would successfully get herself a boyfriend. She must admit that she was not really in a right mind when she wrote down the wish.

But then she loved the surprise God had planned for her.

"Since you have succeeded, please study hard again", a gentle reminder from Jia completely had killed the mood, Haeun huffed in frustration. "I heard you did well last mock test".

"What had I told you? Her brain has never died", Eric clicked his tongue, half proud that his best friend was a genius and half jealous. "How to have a brain like yours?"

That one remark was enough for the two girls bursting into laughter because somehow it was the most funniest joke Eric had ever told. Now and then he kept saying the same thing but ended up did well too in all exams. 

The boy ignored his friends as he watched the soccer team passed the ball. It was then, he noticed a demeanor from the crowd was looking at their direction, at Haeun specifically.

"Your boyfriend is looking at you", he informed and Haeun started looking around.

In no minute, she spotted a boy with a black headband hugging his forehead, his hair was again curly. It indeed suspicious - why he decided to perm it again today out of all days? Perhaps Sunwoo knew it would drive his girlfriend crazy - which it did.

And another crazy thing Sunwoo did was when he smiled with his cutest grin from the field, waving towards her. Haeun really hoped she was seeing things but she was sure that she saw him blowing a kiss.

"Oh my", she squealed again, cupping her now red cheeks with her palms as she looked at Eric and Jia. "You guys see that right?"

"Help me", Eric relied himself on Jia's shoulder, his face scrunched as if he was about to throw out whilst Jia pat his back with a pursed lips.

"I understand. Bear with it".

They clearly saw that and nobody could condone with such an action. Who know a troublemaker like Sunwoo could behave that way.

However, unbeknownst to the three, Sunwoo had not broken his gaze yet from them - on Haeun. Watching her getting flustered had brought a wide smile on his face, he wanted to keep seeing that.

"Wow, so the rumor is correct".

A voice heard slightly from his back had wiped the cheeky smile off of his face, turning him back into a grumpy toddler in soccer shoes. It was not so surprised for Sunwoo because nobody would have interfered with his life other than Bomin.

"What rumor?" he sassily questioned, arms crossed against the jersey which had been dampened with his own sweat.

"I don't know. People keep saying that you two are not..." Bomin twirled his hand in the air, finding a right word to describe. "Suitable?"

At that, Sunwoo scoffed, scooting closer to the tall boy, "sadly to tell, I'm not offended".

"Ooh, you've never been this way with Jiyeon", Bomin stated which had given a realization into the lover boy's head.

He was true. Everything Sunwoo did for Haeun had never been done for Jiyeon. It was as if he had erased all the memories he had with the female completely - though was short, and started anew with Haeun.

It was a good thing right?

Something about Haeun was intriguing. Her vibe was all positive that nobody could resist her presence. Maybe that was why Sunwoo could've fallen for her way too easily.

"Will you wait? It will take some times", he told her after the practice end, taking his duffel bag from the ground.

"Of course I will", she did that little jump that had never failed melting Sunwoo's cold heart. "I'll be with them".

Sunwoo glanced over her shoulder to where she was pointing at just to be greeted with small waves from Eric and Jia.

"Okay then, I'll make it quick", he flashed the genuine smile Haeun had always talked about as he turned on his heels but then halted. For a moment, he was contemplating nonetheless he made up his mind within a second, turning back on his heels facing her.

The girl was taken aback, almost questioning if he had left anything behind but then she was seen flustered when Sunwoo reached his hand to the side of her head.

He just wanted to tuck her baby hair.

"Oh my", she shyly kicked the air, cupping her warm red cheeks.

"I'll be back", Sunwoo whispered, his voice was ticklish that Haeun couldn't help but playfully shove him away.

And the onlookers who were still sitting at the bleachers were having different emotions. Whilst Jia was in disbelief, Eric was holding back his desire to hit the couple.

They surely need to learn how to respect all the singles.

"It's weird", Jia suddenly spoke up, the flaming rage inside Eric had turned into a curiosity as he looked at her. "Sunwoo's confession was too sudden. Do you think he's sincere with Haeun?"

At that, Eric pulled his lips upwards, crossing his arms as he looked at the said boy taking his leave to the changing room.

"He's very sincere", he said confidently. Jia tuned her whole body towards him, wanting to hear more. "Believe me, I'd seen this Sunwoo before. He's back".

The sincerity the two had been talking about was evident. Even whilst changing, the smile on Sunwoo's face had not faded, Haeun was occupying his mind constantly.

The thought that his girl was waiting for him outside made him scream internally, almost losing his mind. Sunwoo was in a good mood until the door was opened, revealing someone he hated the most.

"Only team members are allowed in", he stated, holding back himself from rolling his eyes. "You're not a member so please leave".

Jihoon scoffed, his darkened eyes were shooting daggers at the boy who was shoving stuff into his bag.

"You're being cocky now, don't you?" he halted in front of Sunwoo, hands pocketed. "What happened to your old girl, dude? Did you.... break up with her so that you can be with Haeun?"

Her name slipping out from his mouth as smooth as butter somehow had enraged Sunwoo. The fury started flaming, along with a deep hatred for the boy.

"You know what dude", Sunwoo stepped closer to him, fixing his collar. "I started to feel suspicious. Had you ever confessed to Haeun and she rejected you?"


"Because you're so invested in our relationship", the way Sunwoo smirked was too evident that he was mocking the latter. "So I think you're jealous of me".

Jihoon really could not handle a mock, not at his face. He took a brazen step, pushing Sunwoo against the locker.

"You're getting on my nerves", he glared, clenching on Sunwoo's collar. "Whilst I'm being nice, you better break up with Haeun".

Sunwoo playfully huffing as he stared up avoiding Jihoon's dark orbs, the latter was getting more annoyed.

"I'm not gonna do that. So, you can hate me more", Sunwoo pushed him away, letting himself free from Jihoon's grasp. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I have a girlfriend to attend".

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