First Kiss | Ominis

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I groaned, slumping onto the seat beside Ominis. He raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"I'm just feeling nervous."


"My date with Gareth."

"Well that's stupid. It's just Gareth."

"Yes, but-" I leaned in, whispering, despite it being only us in the Undercroft. "What if he kisses me."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing. I mean, you are going on a date with him."

"Yes but, what if I'm not good, ya know?"

"That's ridiculous."

"It's not!"

"If you so worried about it just practice on me."


His body shifted towards me, "Kiss me. We're friends, I'll show no judgement."

"Uh- okay."

I leaned into him, and he placed a gentle hand on the back of my head, guiding me towards him.

His lips were soft and inviting, despite being cold to touch. A refreshing cold that you wanted to cling to. It didn't take long before his tongue was asking for entrance to my mouth. I was happy to oblige. He tasted of mint, complimenting the coolness of his lips. His fingers gripped my hair gently, holding me in place as he controlled the kiss.

He pulled away slowly, still keeping our foreheads against one another. "I can confirm that you have nothing to worry about," he smiled, leaning in to plant another gentle kiss on my lips. "Though I must say, it was an honor to be your first."

"First? Ominis you are not the first person I've kissed," I giggled a little.

"But-" he stuttered, releasing my head and leaning back against the couch.

"I said that I was nervous I wouldn't be good, not that I hadn't done it before," I smirked. His face was blushing crimson. "And I know it wasn't your first either. Imelda did brag about how good you were, and I must say I agree." His ears were burning red, an annoyed look on his face as I teased him. I leaned towards him, placing a finger under his chin and titling his head so that he was facing me. "Must be the parseltongue."

A devilish look appeared in his eyes. "Might want to cancel that date with Gareth."

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"You need a lot more practice," he scoffed, pulling me towards him, kissing me once again.

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now