Snowball Fight | Ominis

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A blanket of snow coated the ground the morning of December 15th. Excitement echoed through the Great Hall that morning, some students even skipping breakfast so that they could go outside sooner. Y/n was one of those students.

"Come on, Ominis, everyone is outside," Sebastian complained. Did his friend always have to be so stubborn?

"I'm not stopping you from going, I just have no interest in standing out in the freezing cold." Ominis was already shivering from the breeze the courtyard doors let in every time a student entered or exited.

Sebastian glanced outside at the students playing around in the white snow. Some were building snowmen, some were making snow angles, and others just stood around enjoying the weather. A smirk crept up on his face when his eyes landed on y/n, who was currently making a snowman with Natty and some other Gryffindors.

"Are you sure there isn't anything I can say to convince you?"

"No Sebastian," Ominis groaned.

"Hey y/n!" Sebastian yelled, catching the attention of the girl. She imediately dropped what she was doing when she saw the two boys in the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing," Ominis hissed.

"Well you said I couldn't convince you," he smirked, "but I know who can."

"There you boys are," y/n greeted, dusting the snow off her mittens. "About time you two joined us."

"Well I was planning on joining you," Sebastian sighed, "but Ominis here-"

"What," she interrupted offendedly, "You have to come!" She pleaded, tugging on his arm.

"Well I-" Ominis stuttered, his pale face turning pink in color, "I guess I can come for a little bit-"

"Perfect," she beamed, dragging him through the door into the cold.

Sebastian trailed closely behind the two, enjoying the crunch of snow beneath his feet. Ominis hit a patch of ice and stumbled, but y/n steadied him, pulling him closer to herself. He laughed, trying to disguise how flustered he was next to her.

"Hey y/n! Come here for a sec," Natty yelled from across the yard.

"Hold on, I'll be right back," she excused herself, releasing Ominis's arm.

"I hate you," Ominis muttered, though the smile and blush on his face told otherwise.

"Oh please," Sebastain teased. "It's seems as though she plans on keeping you plenty warm," he nudged his friend.

"Shut up," Ominis grumbled, tucking his face further into his green scarf.

"She likes you too, you know," Seb admitted.

"Pshhhh, I don't- I don't like her," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sureeee," Sebastian relied, "and is that why you are at her every beck and call?"

"I am not," Ominis disagreed.

"Ominis," y/n called. His head whipped around towards her, proving Sebastian's point. Before Seb could warn his friend, y/n tossed a snowball at him, hitting him right on the side of his face. The girls erupted in laughter that echoed around the courtyard.

Sebastain raised an eyebrow at his friend, expecting him to be mad, but the smile she gave him persisted.

Seb reached down and packed a handful of snow into a snowball. "Here," he offered it to Ominis, "I'll point you towards her." Y/n was still joking around with Natty as Sebastian angled Ominis at her. In a swift mention he pulled his arm back and launched the snowball at the girl. It struck the top of her head, exploding in a flurry of snow that covered her hair.

Her eyes met her opponent and turned mischievous. "Oh you're on, Gaunt," she teased, grabbing another snowball.

Writers Note:
The fanart on the top inspired this :)
Also the fact that I am longing for cold weather (yes I am aware summer is just starting), but I miss the snow :(

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now