Self Care | Ominis & Sebastian

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Y/n's pov:

I stood with my legs crisscrossed across from Ominis, gentling spreading the face mask across his pale skin. He shuttered a little from the initial cold feeling. "Sorry," I giggled.

"Just took me by surprised," he laughed softly. His hair, like mine, was pushed back by a headband I had provided him.

"You're quite handsome, did you know that," I asked, titling his chin upward as I continued.

A cheeky smile spread across his now blushing face. "Yes, so I've been told," he hummed, "though it is always nice to hear."

I loved spending time with Ominis, especially when we did silly stuff like this. He took the stress of the world away from me, and for a moment I could actually be at peace.

"Hey guys, have you-" Sebastian started as he entered the room and his eyes fell on us. "What uh- what are you guys doing."

"Self care, Sebastian-" Ominis said matter of factly.

"Is it not obvious," I followed.

He scoffed, "Well it looks lame." His arms crossed in front of his chest.

I shrugged, focusing my attention back on Ominis. It was silent for a moment before he interrupted again.

"Sooooo do you guys do this often orrrrrr-" he muttered, swaying a little as he glanced us over.

"You want to do it too, don't you-" I raised a brow. Classic, jealous Seb.

"Yes please," he scuttled over, sitting beside Ominis. Ominis let out a sigh, and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was- there goes our peaceful night.

. . .

"This is nice-" Sebastian grinned, laying beside Ominis, cucumber slices covering their eyes. I had decided against them, just so I could watch the two boys.

They were dorks, but they were my dorks.

"Can I get the headband with cat ears next time, though," Sebastian asked.

"Sure," I laughed lowly.

Writers note:
Felt like writing something lighthearted, lol. Wish I could draw because this would be so cute as a comic, Ominis with a little cat headband on, them laying beside one another with their little face masks on- ugh adorable.



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Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now