Ducky | Part 2 | Ominis

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Disclaimer: I will splitting this short story into two endings (as suggested by a very amazing commenter): One for Ominis, and one for Sebataian (shown in title) This is the second part following the Ominis timeline xx

"You know Ominis, I've been thinking," Sebastian started. He sat across from his friend, who of which was currently fiddling with his tie.

"That's a surprise," Ominis replied sarcastically, a small smile creeping on his face. If there was one thing Sebastian could always expect from Ominis, it was his quick wit.

"Very funny," Seb rolled his eyes. In fact his comment was going to make Sebastian's revelation all that much sweeter. "So I was thinking to myself the other day- why would Ominis Gaunt refuse to call y/n, Ducky?"

"Probably because I'm a good person," he jabbed back, unphased.

"Ah- but you weren't as kind to Imelda when we called her the Pumpkin Poacher for sleeping with both Garreth and Leander."

"That's different," Ominis dismissed. "She deserved that for having some weird ginger kink. Y/n never deserved to be called an ugly duckling, especially not by you." His last sentence came out as defensive, only furthering Sebastian's suspicion. Despite what he thought, Ominis was placing all the pieces Sebastian needed into his hands.

"Yes, I am well aware she isn't ugly, and must I remind you I apologized for that weeks ago-"

"And yet you still continue to call her Ducky."

"She said she doesn't mind," Sebastian scoffed, "but would you just let me get to my point."


"You like her," Sebastian announced proudly.

For the faintest moment Ominis's face fell, but he quickly recovered. "Don't be silly Sebastian. Y/n is a good friend. That is all."

"Ominis, you don't have to lie to-"

"I'm not lying- in fact I find it rather preposterous that you would insinuate such a thing just because I refused to indulge in calling her some insulting nickname." His defensive tone was only giving himself further away.

"Fine, fine," Sebastian wore a devilish smirk, "Then you wouldn't mind if I asked her on a date?"

Ominis struggled to hold his composure now, "By all means, but I find it ridiculous that you would ask her out only to try and prove some point."

Reveling in Ominis's jealousy, he continued, "Oh don't think that this is just to get you to confess. Ducky is quite the looker. And I bet she's quite the freak in be-"

"Enough-" Ominis interrupted, standing from his seat. His pale hands grubbed at his collar uncomfortably, like he was being suffocated. "Don't think such depraved things of her."

"But if she's a willing participant of-" Seb continued, pushing the buttons further.

"No! She would never be because y/n has much more self respect that to stoop as low as the likes of you." His threat fell on deaf ears as Sebastian stifled a laugh.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you Ominis." Sebastian wasn't sure if the red on Ominis's face was from anger or embarrassment, but he found amusement in it regardless.

"Fuck you Sebastian," his friend hissed, before stalking out of the room.

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now