Breakup | Ominis

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Y/n and Sebastian pushed past one another as they scrambled through the common room doors. They tried their best to muffle their laughter, but it was no use. Luckily for them, any normal student would be fast asleep by now.

"About time you two showed up-" the voice of Ominis cut through their laughter, silencing the room.

"Hello Ominis," Sebastian straightened up, though his face still bore a rather amused expression.

Y/n on the other hand was anything but amused now. This was the third time she had broken a promise to Ominis- to stay out of trouble with Sebastian. He saw little excuse in the way she always found herself in sticky situations with his oldest friend.

"Do not cut your party short because of me," he spat. Sebastian finally read the room- seeing Ominis's look of anger matched against y/n's look of pity.

"Would you look at the time," he laughed awkwardly, shooting an apologetic shrug in y/n's direction. "I'll see you two in the morning-"

Sebastian tried his best not to interject into the disputes of his two closest friends. He had tried it once before, and it ended with Ominis ignoring him for a week. He never quite understood how the pair got together in the first place, they weren't really much alike. Ominis had a massive distain for the dark arts, while y/n encouraged it- Ominis tried to avoid conflict, while y/n liked to create it...

"How did you know," y/n asked, approaching Ominis with a gentleness she saved only for him.

His pacing stopped in front of the fireplace, eyes unknowing staring at the flames. "Sebastian is my roommate, you know."

"Not to mention you're a light sleeper," y/n tried to joke. It fell flat- Ominis didn't so much at bat an eye at her feeble attempt to lighten the mood.

She reached for his hand, her fingers wrapping around his unmoving ones. He let her hold them for a second before pulling away. Her touch weakened his defenses-

"Look Ominis, I'm sorry-"

"You say that every time," he scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And I mean it every time! But Sebastian needed my help-"

"No! What Sebastian needs is for someone with sound judgement to tell him to stop this nonsense!"

"Yeah because look how well he listens to you," she argued.

"But must you assist him," he countered.

"It is better for me to be there and ensure his safety than to let him go rogue!"

Y/n waited for Ominis's objection. That was usually how these things went. She'd yell, then he'd yell, until they both got tired and made up. Had his fuse run short already...

"Ominis, I am sorry," she tried again.

He sighed, his head hanging low. "How long are we going to do this y/n?"

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Do what?"

"Pretend that this is working," he answered, gesturing between the two.

"What..." she muttered, barely audible.

"I can't- I can't do this anymore. The arguing- the fighting- I'm done."

"What are you saying..." she breathed. The knot in her stomach tightened, like a knife twisting deep into an already painful wound.

"I'm saying that this is over- me and you." He had to force the words out of his mouth. He had been mulling this over for weeks, each time she betrayed him only validating his choice further- and yet in this moment it felt like he had no preparation. Losing y/n felt like the life had been knocked out of him.

"Ominis- you don't mean that..." she tried, though she couldn't disguise the terror in her voice. Ominis was the one thing she had to live for. He had been the light in her darkness- and she was deathly afraid of the dark-

"I- I do. I can't spend my time worrying about what you and Sebastian are up to. I can't be lied to anymore..." and yet he was lying to himself. Of course he'd still worry about her, every time he heard Sebastian sneaking away in the middle of the night-

The severity of the situation hit y/n like an electric shock. Suddenly her body switched into fight or flight mode- and she would always choose fight for Ominis. "Ominis- please- I'll stop going out with Sebastian- I promise- I- I can cut him out of my life completely- I-"

"No y/n," he replied coldly.

"Ominis please- I can't- I can't lose you!" She cried.

Ominis bit back tears of his own as he again denied her. He knew he'd need to leave, her sobs were already breaking past the walls he had put up in order to do this. Ominis had heard her cry many times, but these were different. These were cries he had only ever heard her make once before- when Sebastian had used crucio on her...

"I'm sorry y/n," he excused himself quickly, pushing past her with his head down. He couldn't let her see the tears that streamed down his face. He needed to be strong in his decision.

"Ominis please," she tried again. Her voice sounded so small, so helpless.

Her attempts here hopeless. Ominis quickly shut himself away in his room, hiding under the covers in his shared down. Hopefully Sebastian's snoring would be enough to drown if the cries that escaped him...

 Hopefully Sebastian's snoring would be enough to drown if the cries that escaped him

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