Prodigy | Ominis

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(friends but crushing)

Y/n stood stiffly outside of the charms classroom. Ominis stood closely beside her, trying to give her some semblance of comfort before she entered the room.

He had been tutoring her for a few weeks now in preparation for this exam, and while he was confident in her abilities, she was not.

He was actually surprised she had asked him to tutor her, given he wasn't top of the class, but he was happy to do it regardless. He would do just about anything if it meant being in her presence. If only she knew the hold she had on his heart.

"You're going to do great, my prodigy," Ominis reassured.

Y/n reached for his hand anxiously. It was like she didn't have control over her actions, because normally doing such a thing would have brought a crimson blush to her cheeks. Instead, she was pale with worry.

"And you'll be waiting for me when I'm done," she asked, unaware that she was squeezing his hand.

"I wouldn't miss it," Ominis reassured. "Good luck."

. . .

As promised, Ominis stood leaning against the hallway wall waiting for y/n. He had practically ran over some first years on his way back after his class. Slowly students filed out, but none were her footsteps; ones that he so often listened for.

The waiting had him second guessing himself. Did he look okay? Was his hair messed up? He ran his hands through it trying to ensure that it was in the correct place.

But his primming was cut off as the sound of footsteps rushed towards him. He barely had time to recognize the gate before a pair of arms wrapped around him tightly, practically tackling him. Had he not been pressed against the wall, he surely would have tumbled backwards.

He froze in shock, adjusting to the feeling of her warm body pressed against his. Slowly, he snaked his arms around her as well. "I did it Ominis! I definitely aced my exam," she celebrated, not once loosening her grip. Ominis was glad, because he was sure the look on his face was one of utter bashfulness.

"I knew you would," he uttered, inhaling deeply, savoring how she smelled of vanilla and parchment.

She pulled away slightly, but their faces remained close. Ominis could feel her warm breath on his face. "Thank you Ominis," she beamed, placing a quick kiss on cheek.

He felt his mouth fall agape at the action, but y/n quickly released him, already rushing down the hall, "I have to tell Poppy!" She called back happily.

Ominis held his hand to the cheek where y/n's lips had kissed. His mind slowly began replaying everything that had just happened, and the only other thought he could really muster was that he hoped- no, prayed- that her doing well on this exam meant their studying sessions could continue.

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now