7 Minutes | Ominis

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Ominis's pov:

"I can't believe I let you drag me into this," I hissed.

"Shhhh," he shushed me. "I'm trying to see who is switching with who." Sebastian had dragged me to another party, and unfortunately for me, this one entailed seven minutes in heaven. A stupid muggle game invented for horny teenagers.

"Why does it matter?" I whispered back. Every girl picked a paper out of a bowl, each one containing a different boys name.

"Because, if they switch with someone, it means they actually want to snog that guy," he continued, as if it were obvious. "Wait, wait," Sebastian grabbed my arm, "y/n, she's- she's swapping papers with Poppy."

Now I was intrigued. "Really," I whispered back, "who do you think she traded for?"

"Hopefully me," I could hear the smugness in his voice. He, like most boys at Hogwarts, were rather enamored by y/n. A tad bit of jealousy clung to me, despite knowing that I'd never stand a chance with her.

"Alright," Garreth announced, raising his hands to silence everyone. "Now that the ladies have the names," he shot a wink in their direction, "we can get this started. This is just like the muggle game- except, I've added a bit of a magical twist. Once inside the closet, a charm will be placed on the door. You and your respective partner cannot leave until you kiss." His smile was smug, he must have thought himself so clever for coming up with this.

"I'm not doing this-" I muttered to Sebastian.

"You have to, someone already has your name," he whispered back.

"Alright Poppy, why don't you start us off," Garreth continued. I heard the girls giggle to one another softly, before a bunch of hollers let out on the boys side.

Sebastian leaned in to me, explaining what was going on, "Poppy revealed her paper. Garreth's name was sprawled across it."

"Ah, no better way than for the host to start things off," Garreth boasted. Another eruption of hollers echoed around me, the girls joining in this time.

It had only been a few minutes, and people were already pressed against the door trying to listen to the two. "Bit of an invasion of privacy, is it not?" I whispered to Sebastian. We lingered on the outskirts of the room.

"Make note to use a silencing charm, dear Ominis," he laughed, elbowing me.

"I can't imagine I'll need it," I rolled my eyes.

"You know, y/n keeps glancing over here. Do you think she switched for one of us," he whispered, eagerly.

"I shouldn't get my hopes up," I muttered.

"Hopes, huh Ominis?"

"No I- I didn't mean-"

The door swung open, revealing Poppy and Garreth. "Oh they are both blushing crimson," Sebastian snickered.

"I can confirm that this muggle game is great," Garreth laughed. "Who shall go next? Hhhmmm," he pondered, "our dear y/n, why don't you take the floor."

I could hear a couple of hopeful whispers around me. "Um- okay," she stuttered awkwardly, silence crowded around the room as she fiddled to open the paper.

"No way," Sebastian gaped.

"I got Ominis," she said nervously. I felt the color flush from my face. Sebastian elbowed me forward and I stumbled, moving my wand in front of me.

"Well come on Ominis, don't leave the girl hanging," Garreth grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me towards the door where y/n was now stood.

"You don't have to Ominis," she whispered, reassuringly. I grabbed her hand leading her inside the small closet.

The door clicked behind us and then it was quiet. I couldn't hear any muffled laughter outside, which only meant they'd be trying to listen to us. Our bodies were pressed softly against one another in the small, stuffy room.

"I hope I didn't embarrass you, I know you didn't want to come to this stupid party anyway."

"No- no," I cleared my throat. My face must have been bright red from how warm it felt. "It's just a game, all in good fun."

"Yes- a game." She muttered softly.

"It was kind of you to switch with Poppy so that she could be with Garreth," I complimented.

"Oh-well, she was indifferent to the idea. I was actually the one who asked her to switch with me."


"If I'm being honest, I couldn't stomach the idea of another girl kissing you," she blushed. "I guess I can get a bit jealous..."


"Yes, jealous."

I don't know what came over me, but I pulled her closer into me, and pressed my lips softly against her. It only took a second for her to melt into the kiss. "Ominis-" she muttered in between breaths. Hearing her say my name in that way sparked something in me. I pulled my wand from my pocket and began muttering a spell as my lips trailed against hers. "Ominis what are you-"

"Silencing charm," I grabbed her, pressing her lips against mine again. "Can't have anyone else hear you whimpering my name-"

Writers note:
Bit of cheeky Ominis- I prefer to write him sweet and awkward but sometimes ya got to try new things lolol

I don't really leave notes this on my other story, just feel like it can break the immersion, but I don't mind doing it here because these are just one off little stories

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