Potion Roulette | Ominis

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Y/n's pov:

"I can't believe I let you drag me into this," Ominis whispered. Imelda was currently curled over in the corner, coughing up sludge. Ominis shivered at the sound of her heaves.

"Oh relax," I teased, "They aren't all supposed to be bad."

We were sat in a circle with the rest of the other players; potion roulette- potions supplied by none other than Garreth Weasley.

"Garreth made them- of course they are all bad," he joked, leaning into me playfully. I felt myself blush as his shoulder brushed against me. "Can I count on you to lead me to the hospital wing if all goes bad?"

"Yes, as long as I am not curled over beside you," I smiled, "Then we will have to stumble there together."

"Hhhmm, something to look forward to I guess," he hummed lowly. I could feel the rosy color reappearing on my cheeks. He wore a prideful smirk. I could only assume he was well aware of the power he held on me. Though if that were the case, I was rather bummed he never did anything about it.

"Well y/n, looks like you are up," Garreth announced.

I breathed nervously, and Ominis snaked a reassuring arm around my waist as I leaned forward, selecting one of the remaining cups. When I leaned back into my spot, he left his arm. I blushed again- and hoped that everyone else thought it was due to nerves.

I slowly lifted the cup to my lips and took a sip. It didn't smell like anything and tasted flavorless. It went down almost like water.

My brows furrowed in confusion and I placed my empty cup down.

"Well, how do you feel?" Garreth asked.

"I feel fine," I answered truthfully.

"What the hell Garreth," Imelda complained. "I had to puke up sludge and y/n got to drink- what is it? Water?!"

Garrett's eyebrows raised as he came to realization of what I just drank. "Ohhhhh," he smirked.

I tensed up in concern, but felt Ominis's hand on my waist, his thumb gliding up and down in a reassuring motion.

"Y/n what do you think of Professor Sharp?" Garreth asked.

"Firstly he's fine as hell-" my hand flew over my mouth. Gasps flooded the room and then erupted into laughter.

"It works!" Garreth declared. "I successfully brewed Veritaserum!" He boasted.

"You gave me a truth potion!" I felt horrified.

"It's potion roulette, y/n- you get what you get," he laughed. Garreth's eyes flickered between Ominis and I suspiciously. "Y/n- who would you say is the most attractive guy at Hogwarts?"

"Ominis." I answered. Again I shriveled in embarrassment. No matter how I tried to stop them the words just came out aimlessly.

"More so than professor Sharp?" Sebastian prodded from beside me. He was enjoying this too much.

"Yes," I answered against my will. My face buried into my hands.

"And what kind of things would you like to do with-" Sebastian started.

"That's enough!" Poppy interrupted. Merlin I did not deserve her.

"Fineeee," Garreth complained. "But don't think I won't be bothering you once this game is done! It won't wear off that quickly, l/n" he laughed. "Alright Gaunt, that means you're up."

I felt his arm release me, and if I was being honest, I forgot it was there. He leaned forward coolly, and grabbed a cup. He didn't think twice about it, he just chugged the drink inside.

"Oh god," I gasped, the crowd around me having the same reaction.

"What is it," he pleaded, unaware of what the potion did.

"Your hair- it's green!" Imelda screeched with laughter.

(LMAO now y'all can tell why I write- lolol

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(LMAO now y'all can tell why I write- lolol. It's bad I know, but I like having a little fun with these. It's like a side project from my main story on Ominis)

He reached for it, feeling it in his hands. "Garreth," he hissed, his brows furrowing in a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

"Relax Gaunt- it probably will wash out with water."

"Probably?!" He stood in annoyance. His hand extended down to where I sat. "Walk me to the bathrooms and help me get my hair back to normal please, you owe me for making me do this."

I felt the oooo and ahhhhs from the students around us, a few even making kissing noises, as I bashfully accepted Ominis's hand. He pulled me up and lead me from the room.

"You're welcome," he smiled once we were alone in the hallway.


"For saving you from those idiots," he laughed. "I'm sure they would have bombarded you with more uncomfortable questions."

"You're right," I laughed awkwardly.

We walked in silence together for a few minutes before he spoke up again. His demeanor had changed, like he was nervous. It was probably just embarrassment from his hair.

"Is it true," he muttered, "What you said about me. That you think I'm the most attractive guy in the school?" He tried to shrug coolly, like he didn't care about the answer, but if that were the case he wouldn't be asking.

"Yes." I answered again immediately. "I mean it was a truth serum after all," I laughed awkwardly.

I felt his fingers graze against mine before he grabbed my hand fully, intertwining our fingers. His face wore a blushed color, "Do you still think that- even with this green hair?"

"Yes," I breathed.

"So you think I should keep it," he teased.

"Absolutely not."

Writers note: Hiiii, just a fun little story. I wanted to write something silly because my other story is in its angst era. Y'all got any ideas you'd like to see- or characters? I am so biased towards Ominis lolol

On a side note- I tried to do an Ai voice thing for my other story (was gonna make a tik tok and post there) but I cannot seem to get it right! So annoying.

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