Ducky | Sebastian

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The Slytherin Common Room

Y/n sat in between Ominis and Sebastian on the common room couch. The three were part of the larger circle of slytherins, all drinking in the later hours of this Friday night.

Y/n swallowed down the rest of the butterbeer in her cup before standing and stretching.

"Well, this has been fun, but I think it's time for me to retire to my room," she announced, placing her empty cup onto the coffee table.

The others erupted into a fit of protests; Awwww no, stay Ducky, it's still so early Ducky!

"Sorry to disappoint," she giggled, shrugging her shoulders dismissively, "I'm tired."

"Goodnight Ducky," Sebastian smiled, admiring y/n as she shifted past him.

"Goodnight y/n," Ominis uttered, feeling the sleep creeping up on him as well.

Y/n placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before stumbling off to her room. The rest of the students were already back to their other conversations.

"Hey Omi," Sebastian said, "How come you don't call y/n Ducky like everyone else? You're the only person I know that uses her real name."

Ominis slumped further into the couch and titled his head towards his friend, "Do you not remember how she got that nickname?"


Ominis let out a dry laugh, "Maybe you should ask her." He took a final sip of his drink before retiring to his room as well.

. . .

The next 'morning'

"Hey Garreth, have you seen y/n?" Sebastian asked as he approached the ginger currently sat in the Great Hall.

"Ducky? Yeah I think she was helping Poppy with some magical beasts this morning."


. . .

Sebastian smiled as he approached the girl. He had always thought she looked especially adorable taking care of the animals.


"Hey Seb," she called back, running over to him. "You're up early."

"It's eleven?"

"I just figured you'd be a little more hungover," she teased, pulling off her gloves and tucking them into her pockets. "Imelda didn't return to our room until around three this morning."

Sebastian shrugged, "I didn't stay up as late as the rest of them. It's not as fun when you and Ominis aren't there." She nodded in approval, smiling up at the boy. Sebastian shook his head, as if to reset his thoughts, "-but that's not why I'm here- I need to ask you something."

"Okayyyy," she stretched out the word in confusion.

"Ominis said something," he stuttered, "well I brought it up actually..."

"Spit it out Sallow."

"Your nickname. How did you get it?"

She stared up at him, but her smile dropped slightly. "Oh Seb-"

"What? Is it bad?"

Y/n laughed awkwardly, crossing her arms over her stomach, "Um- wow, you really don't remember?" She shifted awkwardly in her spot.


"I uh- I got it in my first year during potions class... by you actually."


"Yeah, um-" her eyes trailed awkwardly to the side to focus on something in the distance, avoiding eye contact. "You made some stupid joke about me being an ugly duckling or something like that. Everyone thought it was funny... and I guess it just kind of stuck after that." She shrugged dismissively but her eyes still refused to focus back on Sebastian's.

"Oh... y/n I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize, it was a long time ago..."

"No- no, it's doesn't matter. I should have never said such a thing." His hands grabbed at his hair as he shook his head in disapproval.

"Seb it's okay, really."

"Merlin I'm so sorry," he mumbled. "I uh- I know it's doesn't make up for it, but I definitely didn't think you were an ugly duckling when I said it, and I definitely don't now. I actually had a huge crush on you back then... explains why I was an utter prat."

Y/n finally turned her attention back onto him, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks from his confession. "It's okay Seb, I get it."

"Fuck, I'm a real jerk huh," he cursed himself. Now he was the one avoiding eye contact.

"Only sometimes," she joked, shoving his shoulder playfully.

Writers note:
Okay so this one was kinda random but I saw this text thread on tik tok with this guy calling this girl Ducky, and it was so cringey and funny, but it inspired me to write this so yeah.
I don't know maybe I'll make a part two or something. I feel like this could be twisted either way, Seb or Ominis, because Seb clearly likes     y/n, but Ominis was the one who remembered how hurt she was by the nickname and refused to use it.
Idk leave your thoughts :)

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now