Gryffindor Party | Sebastian

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Gryffindor Common Room | Party

"Can you believe him," y/n scoffed.

Sebastian was currently on the dance floor with a random Ravenclaw girl.

"You do know he's only doing it to make you jealous," Poppy said, giving her friend a reassuring glance.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Well it isn't working," she insisted, though the sour expression on her face said otherwise.

"You guys do this at every party, flirting with random people to get back at the other. If one of you would just admit your feelings-"

"And let him win? Absolutely not," y/n shook her head dismissively.

"Didn't realize it was a competition," Poppy muttered under her breath. With the amount of alcohol y/n had consumed, paired with her stubborn personality, there would be no getting through to her.

Y/n eyes remained fixed on Sebastian as he pulled the girl closer, her hips grinding against his as their foreheads lay flush against one another.

"I'll show him," y/n hissed, placing down her cup on the nearby table.

"Hey where are you-" but before Poppy could finish her sentence, y/n was stalking confidently over to the couches. Leander and Garreth's conversation quieted down as she approached, Garreth wearing a cheeky smirk.

Y/n sat on Garreth's lap, placing her hand onto his cheek and moving it through his ginger hair. She pulled him closer to her, connected their lips in a kiss. With Garreth's eager acceptance, it quickly turned to a heated make out session. 

Garreth was used to falling in the crossfire of Sebastian and y/n's little game. Not that he seemed to mind. He welcomed her teasing and flirting with open arms. Garreth, being a flirt himself, took pleasure in the way y/n toyed with him.

However, neither Sebastian nor y/n had ventured into this territory before. Flirting with another person was one thing, but kissing them-

It didn't take long for Sebastian to take notice. Immediately his attention shifted from the Ravenclaw girl to y/n as he stomped towards the couch. He tore y/n off of Garreth's lap and grabbed the boy by his shirt collar, forcing him up to eye level. All the while, Leander watched with a mixture of amusement and horror.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Weasley!" He shouted. All Garreth could do was hold his hands up in surrender.

"You have got to be kidding me," y/n scoffed, walking towards the exit.

Sebastian released the boy and stalked after her. "And where do you think you're going?"

She rolled her eyes, "Do you have to be so dramatic-"

"Oh please, like anyone wanted to see you throwing yourself at Garreth-"

"He seemed to like it," she jabbed.

Sebastian's hands flew into his hair as he groaned angrily. Y/n hated to admit it, but she found jealous Sebastian rather attractive.

"It's not like you weren't all over that Ravenclaw," she accused.

"The fuck does that matter, you're not my girlfriend!"

"Clearly," she shouted, throwing her hands in the air as she stormed away from him. It only took a second before he was chasing after her, muttering apologies along the way.

Writers note:
Idk I felt like writing something toxic lolol
I have a list of ideas I am currently working through but if you guys have any suggestions feel free to comment :)

More pics of Seb I think fit the vibe <3

More pics of Seb I think fit the vibe <3

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