Gift | Ominis

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Sebastian and Ominis trailed along the streets of Hogsmeade, full on sweets from Honeydukes, washed down with cold Butterbears from The Three Broom Sticks.

"And I told her-"

"Wait," Ominis interrupted him, his hand pressing Sebastian's chest to hold him in place. His glowing red wand studied the store in front of them.

Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "A jewelry store?" he muttered.

"Yes well, y/n did say she had her eye on a necklace from here," he hummed, pointing his wand towards the entrance.

"So?" Sebastian followed.

"So, there is no need for her to save up and then spend it on that when I can easily buy it for her. Might as well put some of the Gaunt fortune to good use."

"Ohhhh, I see," Sebastian smirked, "you know Ominis, you could just ask her on a date. Most guys wait until after they've said yes to spoil them with lavish gifts," he teased.

"No- it- it is not like that," he huffed, a pink blush crossing his pale cheeks. "She is a great friend, and I would simply like to do something nice for her."

"And that's all," Sebastian prodded suspiciously.

"Yes, that is all."

. . .

Sebastian watched from across the common room as Ominis anxiously pulled the box from his pocket. Their conversation was quiet, but Sebastian had been listening intently.

"I know you said you had your eye on this," he held out the box, "I do apologize if I've gotten the wrong one-"

"Oh Ominis," she gasped. "This is perfect, I- how- why-" she stuttered, taking the necklace into her hand. Her eyes admired it, which quickly turned to admiring Ominis. Sebastian knew Ominis was blind, but how could he also be so oblivious.

Again, Sebastian noted the pink blush creeping up on his friends face. "Oh well, I was in town and remembered you mentioned it," he smiled.

"Ominis, thank you," she smiled, pulling him into a hug. Ominis had never been one for physical touch, and yet he held her tightly against him. "Help me put it on," she asked eagerly, handing him the necklace as she turned around.

She moved her hair out of the way, and Ominis carefully locked the necklace in place. Even the stoic boy could not hide the smile of pride that spread across his face, knowing that y/n was wearing a necklace that he had given her.

"Thank you Ominis," she repeated. "I know I keep saying it but- this just- it means a lot that you thought of me," she leaned in, placing a kiss on his already rosy cheek. Sebastian let out a snicker at the awestruck expression Ominis wore. "I shall have to repay you- maybe a few butterbears on me?" She offered nervously. They really are perfect for one another, Sebastian thought, both too oblivious for their own good.

"Yes, I- I would like that," he accepted. She squeezed his hand one final time before scurrying off to be with her girl friends. They offered hushed whispers as they crowded around her, admiring her new necklace.

Sebastian found it even more amusing watching Ominis try to contain his smile as he approached him. "Oh darling I was in town and remembered you mentioned it," Sebastian teased, putting on his best Ominis impression.

"Stop it," Ominis groaned, swatting his friend. It was unclear whether the blush he wore now was one of affection, or one of embarrassment.

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now