Jealousy | Sebastian

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"Sebastian!" Y/n yelled, pushing past the few students that lingered in the hall. Sebastian was in conversation with a few friends when she caught his attention. "You are so lucky I don't avada kedavra your ass."

His classmates stepped back a little as the girl stomped towards him.

"Woah, woah, what did I do," he held his hands up in defense.

She swung her school bag into him angrily. "You told Garreth not to ask me to go Hogsmeade with him this weekend!" She accused.

"Oh please," Sebastian snickered, "like you would have said yes anyway." A smug smile spread across his face.

"Maybe I would have- that is my choice to make!" She spat.

He rolled his eyes at her statement, which only angered the girl more. She flipped around, her hair nearly whipping him in the face as she began stalking back from where she came.

"Where are you going?" He shouted after her, a cheeky grin still plastered on his face. Muffled jokes began to swirl between his friends.

"To ask Garreth on a date," she called, not turning back to face the boy.

"You can't be serious-"

She stopped at the corner of the hall, glaring at him, "oh I am- unless you want to finally admit that you're jealous."

"No way-" he scoffed.

"Fine," she shrugged, finally continuing out of site.

A look of panic crossed Sebastian face. "Wait!" He called after her, picking up pace until he was in a full sprint around the corner. 

Writers note:
Little short one for Seb because he deserves some love too. I can't help that I favor Ominis lolol. I know I update like every day (sorry), just been in a really writey mood. Also lowkey (highkey) obsessed with the AI audios on tik tok :)

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now