What Are We? | Sebastian | Part 2

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"Have you seen y/n," Sebastian hummed, leaning against the doorway to his and Ominis's shared dorm.

"What, have you finally noticed she's been avoiding you," Ominis teased, chuckling to himself lowly.

Sebastian rolled him eyes, not like Ominis could see him doing it. It wasn't lost on him that y/n had been avoiding him for the last week, but he truly didn't have anything to worry about. She'd always act like this after an argument, and he couldn't imagine this time would be any different. All he'd have to do is show her a sliver of affection and she'd be back in his arms. And after giving her a week to cool off, Sebastian was finally ready to do just that.

"I've taken notice to that fact, yes. Hence why I am trying to fix it," he countered, smiling to himself.

"Well I think she's still out on that date," Ominis replied. He couldn't hide the smug smile on his face as he said this. He knew Sebastian liked to string y/n on, and as her friend too, he didn't approve.

"Date?" Seb laughed, sure that his friend was simply teasing him.

"Mmhhh," Ominis hummed, "with Weasley."

Sebastian waited for the punchline, but it didn't come. His face fell as he came to the realization that his friend was not in fact playing a prank on him.

"Weasley? She's on a date with fucking Weasley?!" He seethed.

"Yes Sebastian," Ominis replied cooly. "You would have known that had you made an effort to talk to her sooner."

"Why the fuck would she agree to go on a date with that ginger prick! She's clearly just doing this to make me jealous!" He tried to rationalize. He couldn't comprehend the thought that y/n would actually want to go on with Garreth.

"If that was her intent, then she'd be happy to know it worked," Ominis laughed.

Sebastian didn't reply, instead he stood silently, his eyes ablaze with anger.

"Oh come on Sebastian. She's told you before she wants something more serious. It isn't crazy to think that she's actually decided to find that in someone other than you."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Sebastian hissed, storming from the dorm.

. . .

Sebastian pushed harshly through the door at the Three Broomsticks, and had y/n not been so preoccupied on the boy in front of her, her head would have turned like every other occupant of the pub.

Only when he was actually stood at her table did she turn to acknowledge him. "Sebastian?" Her brows furrowed in confusion, and a hint of annoyance.

"Come on, we're leaving," he hissed, grabbing for her arm, but she quickly pulled away.

His expression switched from one of anger to one of betrayal.

"Sebastian, I'm on a date," she replied, her face turning red from embarrassment. For the first time Sebastian chose to acknowledge the boy who also occupied the table. Garreth wore a smug smile on his face as y/n dismissed Sebastian's request.

"Are you serious? Garreth? Out of all the boys at this school you chose to go out with a Weasley-"

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"Are you serious? Garreth? Out of all the boys at this school you chose to go out with a Weasley-"

"Sebastian," y/n interrupted. She stood defensively, placing herself between the two boys. "I'm sorry Garreth," she apologized, "I'll be right back." She pushed Sebastian around and towards the door until the two were alone outside.

"What is your problem," she yelled, taking Sebastian by surprise. In his eyes, she should be thanking him for saving her from that date.

"My problem?! Are you crazy?! Going on a date with Weasley!" He argued back.

She just rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest in annoyance.

"Come on, you've made your point," he said, his voice gentler now, "Let's just go-" he reached for her arm, but again she pulled away.

Sebastian felt the pit in his stomach begin to grow. She had never rejected him like this... she had always accepted his apologies. He had no reason to go into this thinking she would react any differently now.

"No Sebastian. I'm staying." It hurt her to say those words, but y/n knew that it was for the best. This toxic cycle would only continue if she wasn't strong enough to break it.

"Y/n... you can't be serious right now-"

"I am. I'm enjoying my time with Garreth." She answered. Part of her heart warmed knowing that that was actually the truth. Garreth had been nothing short of a gentleman, and he was fairly easy on the eyes. Part of her was eager to get back to him.

"Oh please. He's just using you," Sebastian jabbed, only aiming to hurt her further, "Can't you see he just wants to sleep with you."

Y/n was stunned by his statement, swallowed back the tears that were threatening to form. "And how's that any different than you." she uttered. It hurt to admit it out loud- that the whole time Sebastian had only wanted her for one thing.

Silence- only confirming what she had said was true.

"Go back to the castle Sebastian," she finished. A small part of her wanted to fall back into that cycle- to feel his warm arms holding her against his chest as he kissed her, but she reminded herself that for him, it was all superficial.

Y/n turned back towards the door and pushed through it, knowing if she so much as looked at him she would give in. Even Garreth's welcoming smile couldn't comfort her now, Sebastian's comment loomed over her head like a dark cloud: 'he just wants to sleep with you.'

Writers note:
We <3 toxic Sebastian. Should I continue?
Been getting back into writing again so hopefully updates will become more frequent. Please like this chapter if you enjoyed it.
K bye

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