Quidditch | Sebastian

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Y/n paced below the Slytherin bleachers. It was the first match she would be attending since her breakup with the Gryffindor captain- Jack Livingston.

"Shouldn't you be in the stands by now," a voice interrupted, "-ready to cheer on your favorite person." She turned to see the Slytherin team preparing for their entrance, Sebastian lingering a bit away from them so that he could see her. He shot an encouraging look her way. In reality, it was her that should be encouraging-

Y/n couldn't pry her eyes away from Sebastian, the way the uniform hugged his muscular build, and the cheeky smile he wore with a confidence she wished she had.

"By this point you've missed out on a front row seat," he teased, breaking her out of her trance.

"No- Ominis promised he would save me one," she replied.

He placed a gloved hand on the girls shoulder, looking at her with a seriousness he didn't often wear. "We are going to win, don't worry," he reassured. He had seen how tore up she was about the breakup, and he had made it his mission to make Jack pay.

Y/n sighed, "Don't just win- give him hell," she laughed- only half joking.

"For you, of course," he smiled.

"Sebastian get over here," Imelda scolded. She had a fierceness in her eyes that even Sebastian feared. But that same fierceness would hopefully lead them to victory.

"See ya in a bit," he winked, rushing over to be with the rest of his team.

. . .

Y/n rushed down to the field with the rest of the Slytherins. Sebastian was good on his word, he absolutely pumbled Jack into the ground- literally. He had to be brought to the hospital wing mid game. Whatever pent up anger Sebastian had clearly went into doing good by his friend. And y/n was nothing short of appreciative.

She pushed past the crowd of green as she searched for him. He had been waiting for her, his arms crossed over his chest- his smile only widening when his eyes met hers. The sun glistened on his sweat drenched hair, and yet,
y/n found the look oddly appealing.

She rushed towards him, and he eagerly pulled her into a hug.

"Ugh I'm so happy I could kiss you!" She beamed, jokingly.

Sebastian loosened his grip on her, eyeing her with a teasing look, "so do it-"

Writers note:
Sorry it's a short chapter- I don't like writing sports lol, even made up ones. But I had the idea and figured I'd give it a shot.

 But I had the idea and figured I'd give it a shot

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Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now