Breakup | 2 | Ominis

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Y/n didn't show up for classes the next day, or the day after that, and when she finally did return, she pretended as though Ominis did not exist.

She struggled to keep her emotions to herself the day she returned, holding back any urge to beg and grovel before him. He had made his stance clear. And from what Natty relayed to her, he acted no different than he normally did. Maybe he had not loved her like she loved him.

If only she knew that this was due to years of having to withhold emotion at Gaunt manor. Ominis had been conditioned to show no feeling at all. In reality, he was crumbling at the seams. The first few days after classes he stood pacing outside her door, wondering if he should go in and beg for her forgiveness.

Yes, his worry and concerns over her antics with Sebastian were grueling, but it was incomparable to the pain he felt now. He had ruined his one chance at happiness, she would never take him back now.

. . .

Ominis waited to hear the familiar footsteps of Sebastian sneaking out of their shared room, and a week later, he did just that. This meant he was going out on some sort of mission, which in turn meant y/n would be in tow. The point of him breaking up with her was to stop his worrying, and yet he slowly dragged himself out of bed to sneak behind Sebastian.

Knock, knock.

The door clicked and for the first time in over a week he heard the hushed whisper of y/n's voice. "Sebastian, I told you I'm not helping you anymore."

"Come on y/n, we both know that's not true," he protested.

"It is, I am done," she whispered harshly.

"Fine. I'll just go by myself. But who knows if I'll make it back in one piece," he threatened.

"Sebastian, I'm not going to let you guilt trip me into anymore of your schemes. I'm going back to bed- and you should too."

Y/n pushed the door to close but Sebastian placed his foot in the doorway, stopping it before it could click shut.

"I don't see what your problem is," Sebastian spat, "We have fun together."

"Sometimes, yeah, it is fun- but not when I come back here injured and have to lie to Ominis," she argued.

"Well you don't have to worry about lying to Ominis now, he broke up with you!"

"Merlin Sebastian," she gasped, "Do you have to be so cruel?"

"Oh please, wipe that sad look off your face," he scoffed. Sebastian had a tendency to become cruel if he didn't get his way. "You two were never compatible in the first place. He was holding you back!"

Ominis bit his tongue to hold himself from interjecting. If he did say something, it would lead to a fight that would wake the whole common room.

"He was protecting me," she reminded.

"Protecting you? If he were protecting you he would be out on these missions with us. Instead he waits here so he can argue with you once we're done!"

"We never would have fought the way we did if you weren't constantly roping me into your stupid ideas. I'm done trying to be a good friend to you! You've gone too far Sebastian.

"He's done with you, y/n. Don't you get that? There is no use in you abiding by his rules anymore."

"Go back to bed Sebastian."


"Go. Or I'll wake the prefects."

"Fuck you," he spat.

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now