What Are We? | Sebastian

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Y/n pulled away from Sebastian, separating their lips and leaving him with a confused look in his eyes.

"Do you have to leave or something?" he asked, adjusting his arm and leaning back against the couch away from her.

Y/n shook her head nervously. "No, I-" she stuttered.

"Okay, then," Sebastian shrugged dismissively, placing his hand on her cheek and leaning forward to kiss her again, but she pulled away.

"Is everything alright," he stopped, still holding his hand to her cheek. She looked into his brown eyes. They appeared so kind and open, so why did asking this question feel so scary.

She leaned into his touch, before stuttering out, "Seb... what are we?"

Sebastian dropped his hand from her face immediately, and his kind eyes turned dark and defensive. Y/n could feel the change in his demeanor as he straightened up.

He sighed, unable to hide how uncomfortable he felt at their make-out session being interrupted by such a question. "Come on y/n," he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "We're friends... that like to occasionally sleep with each other."

"Friends?" She shook her head frustration.

"Yes, y/n. Friends." He stared at the girl in front of him, but she wouldn't so much as lift her head to look at him. "Come on, we've been over this... I'm not ready to put a title on this..."

"Merlin, you say this every time," she accused, standing up in exasperation.

"Why does it matter y/n," he asked, face contorted in confusion.

"Because it's confusing not knowing what I am to you," she explained, as if the answer was obvious.

Sebastian mirrored her, standing in front of her, "I don't see why it's such a big deal. A label won't change anything."

"Then why are you so against it?" She asked, her arms crossing over her chest defensively. "I'm tired of being your little secret..."

"You're not a secret y/n. People know I care about you. It's not like I'm out here sleeping with other people on the side," he defended.

Y/n stood silently in front of him, unmoving and refusing to look at him. He walked forward, enveloping her in warm hug. Hesitantly she wrapped her arms around him as well, and a smug smile hit his lips. He had always been able to charm his way out of this topic with her.

"What's brought all this on anyway, hhhmm?" He hummed, pulling back and lifting her face to look at him.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I guess I just thought it'd be nice to take this out in public," her eyes scanned the dingy Undercroft they stood in now, "Maybe go out to The Three Broomsticks or something..."

His brows furrowed in distain, "like a date...?"

Y/n pulled away again, throwing her arms up into the air.

"Y/n stop," he reached for her. "You know that's not really my thing!"

"But must you act so disgusted by the idea of it!?" She yelled.

"See this is exactly why I don't want to date you. I'm not interested in all this boyfriend stuff."

She looked at him in aversion. It was moments like this that she wished she had never let him kiss her- she would have never fallen for him the way she has...

"I thought we agreed no feelings- no attachments," he breathed, tired of arguing.

Y/n swallowed the tears she could feel trying to escape her eyes. This conversation was embarrassing enough. She didn't need to make it worse by crying. "Yeah," she breathed lowly, "you're right."

He smiled at her, oblivious to the cold shift in her attitude. He reached for her hand and pulled her into his chest again. "Are we good," he asked, running his hand through her hair.

"Yeah... we're good?" She lied, leaning against him stiffly, void of any real desire to be there.

"Good," he agree, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Writers note:
Omfg I can't wait to write a part two ;)

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