What Are We? | Sebastian | Part 3

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Sebasatian slammed the dorm door behind him, starling Ominis. He sat up, his heartbeat steadying as he came to the realization of what was wrong.

"I'm assuming you crashing her date didn't go well then?"

"What a fucking bitch," he yelled. Ominis listened as something slammed to the floor. "She had the audacity to tell me to leave!"

Ominis, ignoring his better judgement, didn't give the repsonse Sebastian had wanted, "I mean you did interrupt her date with-"

"Don't even fucking say that weasels name!"

"Okay, okay," Ominis held his arms up in defeat. "I don't see what the big deal is though- you didn't want to date her."

"Because things were fine the way they were!"

"For who? You? What about her Sebastian-"

Sebastian ignored Ominis's question. "Fine, if she wants to whore herself around like some slut, she can be my guest. See if I care!"

Ominis, who often found amusement in Sebastian's rants, didn't find this one funny. "Come on Seb, don't say that about her-"

"I told her! I said 'he just want to sleep with you!' And you know what she said! 'How is that any different than you!' Can you believe that! I am nothing like those heathens that want to use her! I-"

"Merlin Sebastian, do you even hear yourself?" Ominis said in disgust, rising to his feet.

Finally Sebastian stopped rambling, turning to face his friend.

"She wanted to be with you, and you shrugged her off. You- you are just like those 'heathens' you speak of. What? Did you just expect her to wait around for you to change your mind?"

"Ominis you don't understand-"

"Oh I understand perfectly. Y/n is a good girl, who was unfortunate enough to fall for an arsehole like you."

"Fuck you Ominis," Sebastian spat, only becoming more bitter by the second.

"Maybe if you weren't such a coward," Ominis mumbled under his breath.

"Coward? Now I'm a coward?!" Sebastian yelled, his anger now temporarily pointed at his friend.

"You know what? Yes, you are! So scared of your own feelings for her- to admit that you actually like her as something more than-"

"I don't fucking like her!"

"Go look at yourself in the fucking mirror right now and tell me you don't! Look at how you are acting Sebastian... simply because she went on a date with another guy..."

"I don't need to look at anything- I know how I feel!"

Ominis let out a disappointed laugh, his hand twisting the handle on the door. "Like I said, a fucking coward..." he scoffed, before leaving the room.

. . .

Y/n tried her best to mask her emotions as she finished her date with Garreth, but it was obvious that he had felt the shift in her attitude

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Y/n tried her best to mask her emotions as she finished her date with Garreth, but it was obvious that he had felt the shift in her attitude. It was only as they were walking back to the castle when he actually acknowledged it.

"Is everything okay y/n?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," she shrugged off the question dismissively.

"Did Sebastian say something to you?" He asked cautiously. He didn't want to push her for answers she wasn't ready to give.

"It's nothing really," she laughed nervously, "He can just be a bit cruel when he doesn't get his way."

Garreth reached for her arm, gently stopping her on the path to face him. Y/n noted how Garreth looked into her eyes with a kindness, a gentleness, different than the looks Sebastian gave her. His always felt unstable and uncertain, but with a lustfullness that never failed to make her swoon.

"Well I'm sorry, for whatever he said to you."

"You don't have to apologize Garreth. It's not like you did anything."

"I should have stood up to him the moment I noticed him making you uncomfortable at the table," he insisted. "And I'm sure that whatever he said to you wasn't true..."

"I hope so," y/n laughed lowly, replaying his words again in her head. He just wants to sleep with you.

"I'm sure of it. Now let's get back the castle before the sun goes down. While I would love to have a sleepover in this dark, unsettling forest, I much rather prefer my bed in the dorms," he joked, lightening the mood.

She smiled at him, neither attempting to disguise the blush that crept onto their cheeks.

"Well, shall we?" He extended his hand to hers, which she cautiously accepted. It felt surprising... comfortable. And safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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