Gift | 2 | Ominis

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Ominis ran an anxious hand through his well kept hair. Sebastian couldn't help but laugh at his friend. Y/n had asked to take him out for butterbeer, what was there to be nervous about? She clearly liked him.

"Could you please stop shaking your knee like that," Sebastian accused, "you're going to spill the butterbeers before she even gets here."

"Sorry," Ominis breathed.

"You just need to relax, my friend," Sebastian laughed, placing a reassuring hand on his friends shoulder, "I mean, she is the one who asked you on a date."

"It's not a date Sebastian," Ominis hissed, "This is simply her way of repaying me for the necklace."

"You're so oblivious. She just used that the catalyst to finally ask you out. She likes you, Ominis. Don't complicate things for yourself."

"Would you be quiet," Ominis shoved his arm into his friend, "She could be here any second- I don't need her hearing you babbling this nonsense."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, glaring at back at the door. Unknowingly, Ominis started tapping his fingers on the wooden table. Sebastian wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.

Finally, y/n walked in, Poppy beside her. They were deep in a hushed conversation. Y/n was smoothing over her dress, running her fingers through her hair- Poppy, like Sebastian had been doing with Ominis all day, seemed to be reassuring her.

"She's here," he whispered to his friend. Ominis seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in, straightening up and clenching his jaw.

"Do I look okay," he muttered.

Sebastian pretended to look over the boy. There was no point- Ominis always looked perfect. It was something Sebastian found rather annoying at times.

"Yes, Ominis, you look as dashing as ever." Sebastian stood and stretched. He could finally leave- his work here was done.

"Hello," y/n greeted, "Is Sebastian joining us?"

"No, he was just leaving," Ominis replied quickly.

"Try not to sound too eager," Sebastian teased. "Nice seeing you y/n. Nice necklace by the way," he winked, scurrying off towards the door.

She ran her fingers over the necklace as she sat across from Ominis. Yes the necklace was beautiful- it was one she had wanted for a while, but the fact that Ominis had got it for her made it even more special.

A silence fell between the two as they each tried to find footing in the conversation. Was it a date? Was it not a date? Neither was really sure.

"Thank you again, for the necklace," y/n smiled.

Even this small comment seemed to ease the energy between them. This wasn't like the other conversations they held alone together- this was different. They had gone out of there way to be alone, just the two of them; no Poppy or Sebastian muttering in the background.

"It was nothing really," he shrugged, bringing his glass of butterbeer up to his lips to hopefully hide his blush. Y/n found it endearing how nonchalant he was trying to act, it was so unlike him.

"Not to me," she continued, "It means a lot you thought of me."

"Oh well I- I uh-" he stuttered, his lips curling into a flustered smile. He was failing to keep up his cool facade. It was so difficult for him not to fall prey to her charm- of how highly he thought of her; her kindness, her generosity, even her humor.

And she admired Ominis all the same. He was one of the few people who saw her beyond just being a tool for self gain. He was level headed and sweet; so different than most students thought about him. Y/n hated how the other students viewed him merely off his name. She did not see him as a Gaunt, she merely saw him as Ominis; a boy who always had her best interest at heart.

Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now