Pumpkin Carving | Ominis

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Y/n's pov:

"What do you think about this one," I held up a medium sized pumpkin, bright orange in color and fairly symmetrical.

"It's quite small, don't you think?" Sebastian laughed.

"It's not that small," I defended, "not everyone needs a huge pumpkin. Do keep in mind you actually have to carry it back the the courtyard with you."

"Are you underestimating my strength," he teased, flexing slightly. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry about him, y/n, I've already chosen the largest one," Imelda boasted. She had hers hoisted onto her shoulder. Sebastian scoffed.

"Shall I grab a small one for Ominis," I asked, glancing down at some of the little ones. He hadn't met us on our walk over, and I didn't want him to be left out.

Imelda and Sebastian both turned towards me confused. "Ominis doesn't carve pumpkins, y/n" Sebastian stated.

"He doesn't like it," Imelda added.

"What? That's ridiculous," I laughed.

"I mean, he has a point," Seb continued, "knives and blindness don't usually go hand in hand."

"So what? He just sits around while everyone else carves one?"

"No, he just doesn't come all together."

"Well yeah, I can't imagine he has much fun sitting around while we all joke around," Imelda replied.

I felt hurt hearing that. I never wanted Ominis to feel left out. I glanced down at my pumpkin again, and an idea popped into my head.

. . .

"Ominis, hey," I called, chasing down the hall after him.

"Hello, y/n," he replied, stopping to wait for me. "What's up?"

"I was actually hoping I could steal you for a bit. Are you busy?"

"Um, not necessarily. Unless you plan on asking me on some obscure mission like you did fifth year, then the answer is yes, I am very busy," he teased.

I blushed, "No, nothing crazy like that."

"Then I am all yours," he replied. His face turned red when he noticed how that sounded.

I grabbed his arm, yanking him to the courtyard. As soon as we were outside you could hear the muffled laughs of all our other friends. His arm that I held stiffened.


"I need your help," I pleaded, "I am rubbish at carving pumpkins!"

"And you chose the blind guy to help with that-" he laughed incredulously.


He groaned, "lead the way."

. . .

Sebastian's pov:

I was shocked to see Ominis join y/n at our pumpkin carving, and I was even more surprised to see that he was actually enjoying himself. Not even the pumpkin guts that stained his pants seemed to bother him.

He sat behind y/n on the grass, her between his legs, and his hand rested on hers, which was holding the knife. His face was nearly as red as the tomatoes growing in the greenhouse, but y/n didn't seem to mind. Her's was just as pink.

"Never thought I'd see the day he actually joined us out here for this," Imelda whispered, noticing the two. "She must have been pretty persuasive."

"I don't know," I laughed, "it doesn't look like it took much convincing."

Honestly Seb and Imelda after a few butterbeers later that night lmaooooo

Honestly Seb and Imelda after a few butterbeers later that night lmaooooo

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