Chapter 5

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

Opening the cabin door and quickly closing it behind himself and (name), Blake gestured to (name) to follow him.
Despite looking so small from the outside, the inside of the cabin was quite spacious. The front door opened into an open concept living room which phased into a dining room and eventually a kitchen.
In the center of the living room was a dark leather couch that was seated so it was facing away from the door. On the floor in front of the couch was a faded red rug in the shape of an oval; on top of it, a rustic mahogany coffee table.
Against the wall the couch was facing was a short wooden dresser containing 6 different drawers. The dresser was the same coloration and polish as the mahogany table, but looked darker because the lighting in the room did not shine on the wall as much. On the dresser was a small TV and a DVD player; there was no TV service on Mount Silver but that didn't prevent disks from working.
In the back left corner of the living room, was a stone fireplace seated on grey stone tiles, contrary to the smooth hardwood floor that was in the rest of the room.
"Go ahead and take a seat. You must be freezing." Blake spoke as he led (name) to the couch.
"T-thanks," (name) softly responded.
Sitting down, (name) shrunk back into the corner of the couch and sat in fetal position. Holding his/her body in a ball for warmth, (name) was still shivering and was taking shaky breaths.
Noticing this, Blake went over to the dresser/TV stand and passed a weighted blanket he had pulled out to (name). "Here."
"T-thank you," (name) said again, wrapping himself/herself in the blanket like a burrito.
"So if t-this is Mount Silver. And this is Pokémon what?" (name) spoke in a dazed tone.
"Version Silver," Blake said, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch.
"If this is Mount S-Silver and I'm in Pokémon Version Silver, how the f-fuck am I in a videogame?!"
"If I'm being honest, I have no clue." Blake shrugged.
"..." both of them were quiet.
"What about you?" (Name) broke the silence.
"What?" Blake sounded confused.
"How did you get here, Blake?"
"..." Blake refused to answer, his face showing an uncomfortable expression at (name)'s question. "Different topic, where were you before you were here?"
"Down the mountain in the snow?"
"No, I mean before that. Where were you before you were in the game?"
"Running," (name) said in a calm yet fearful tone.
"From?" Blake said in an intrigued tone.
"Life..." (name) looked down, not wanting to share any other details. "I'm... I'm going to try and sleep now."
"Okay, you get some rest, I'll be... not here," Blake got up from the couch and walked down the house's only hallway and into a room. When he returned a minute later with a small red and white ball in his hand, Blake when straight out the front door and into the storm.
Hearing the door close, (name) decided that before sleeping he/she would investigate his/her surroundings.
Holding the blanket around himself/herself as he/she walked out the living room and into the kitchen, (name) took note of everything in the almost barren cabin. Although the interior was fully furnished, the cabin lacked the feeling of being lived in. There were no crumbs or small trinkets belonging to the owner. Nothing to indicate being lived in.
The dining room was small, there was a circular table with 4 grey foldable chairs around it. The paint on the chairs was chipped in some places, and the pale-yellow table was empty except for a small empty napkin holder in the center.
Next to the dining room and deeper into the house, the floor switched from hardwood to tile.
Almost forming a barrier between the two rooms was a kitchen counter that on one side was a bar area with two high chairs and on the other side had a sink and dishwasher.
Behind the sink and further into the kitchen was an oven, microwave, fridge, toaster, and enough cabinets to fit all of (name)'s belongings from before the car crash.
Leaving the kitchen and its off-white marbled countertops, (name) retraced his/her steps back to the living room. From there, he/she investigated the hallway.
The first door in the hallway was open and led to a bathroom. The second door, which was also open, was Blake's bedroom. Only taking a quick look as to respect the stranger's privacy, (name) saw Blake's fluffy bed covered with plaid blue blankets and a picture on a nightstand of Blake and a strange creature that was presumably a Pokémon.
Leaving the open room, (name) made his/her way to the last door in the hallway. Grabbing the handle and turning it, nothing happened. The door was locked from the inside.
Sighing, (name) walked back towards the living room, ignoring the sliding door in the hallway that opened up to the laundry room.
Sitting back down on the couch, (name) tried to fall asleep but was plagued by questions. Who is Blake? (Name) silently thought to himself/herself. Why did I trust him?... How did I get here?
Trying to solve each of these but to no avail, (name) laid on the couch staring at the ceiling and asking himself/herself the same three things on repeat.
Who is Blake?
Why did I trust him?
How did I get here?
935 words!

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