Chapter 18

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

Early on Sunday, Blake returned with bags of food and supplies.
Instead of finding (name) asleep on the couch like usual, Blake found him/her sleeping against the wall in the hallway next to Typhlosion, who was still against the locked door.
Blake decided to let (name) and Typhlosion continue to rest, so he put away everything he brought with him and sat on the couch.
"...wait a second!" He quickly stood up and checked the fridge. "Don't tell me..."
He then checked the trash and saw the empty strawberry container.
"TYPHLOSION, (NAME), WHICH ONE OF YOU ATE MY STRAWBERRIES," he yelled so that the other side of the house would hear him.
Typhlosion and (name) woke up with a jolt.
"Uhhhhhhh, please don't kill us, Blake?" (Name) quickly said.
"I'm not angry," Blake exhaled sharply.
"You sure?"
"They would've gone bad if you guys didn't eat them... but the box I brought this time is mine."
"Ok... why do you like strawberries that much? I mean it's normal to like them, but like you pretty much go feral over them."
"I don't go feral over them!"
"Yes you do."
"Nothing wrong with it, it's just that other people —and pokémon— like strawberries too."
"You should share."
"No!" He whined.
Typhlosion and (name) were now in the same room as Blake and were giving him death glares.
"Fine... maybe I'll share. No promises."
After narrowly surviving Blake's hissy fit over strawberries and then eating breakfast, (name) decided to ask Blake about the locked door.
"Hey Blake, what's with the locked door?"
"..." Blake looked down.
"Yesterday Typhlosion led me there and tried to open it, but it was locked. That's why Typhlosion fell asleep in front of it."
"Oh... it's uh, stuff," he clearly didn't want to share.
"Typhlosion was literally making sad noises," (name) pointed out, not getting the hint that this was a sensitive topic.
"...this mountain isn't a safe place, (name)."
Before (name) could speak again, Blake continued.
"People. Pokémon. You name it. It all dies here.... I had 6 Pokémon on my team when I came here. If you really want to know that bad, then here's the key," Blake gave (name) the key.
(Name) felt bad, but Typhlosion didn't. Typhlosion took the key from (name) and opened the door.
"Their actual graves are up near the summit, but this room is where we keep their pokéballs... (name), this is the rest of my team."
(Name) looked at the pokéballs, all of which had a picture set down in front of them. Feraligatr, Meganium, Pidgeot, Tyranitar, Lugia.
Blake noticed (name)'s shock when he/she got to the picture of Lugia.
"Lugia was on my team... the legendary pokémon Lugia... And now it's dead. And you know why? This place is broken, logic doesn't work. Everything died so quickly. Only me and Typhlosion lived."
(Name) silently left the room and looked at Blake with a saddened and guilt stricken expression. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have forced you to open up."
The rest of the day, Blake and (name) didn't talk to each other. Blake wasn't angry at (name), he just felt vulnerable. And (name) felt like he/she had committed a crime against Blake.
Monday morning at breakfast they started talking again.
"What did you do while I was gone?" Blake dryly asked.
"Hang out with Typhlosion. You?"
"Work. But I was partnered up with someone different from usual."
"What happened to your usual partner?"
"He got hurt, probably in a fight with the partner of the person I got stuck with."
"I see."
Both went quiet.
"They're all murderers, so fighting is common," Blake accidentally said aloud.
"I'm sorry, you said they're all what?"
"No, you said murderers."
"I promise I don't kill anyone, okay? I'm usually just there to make sure the person doesn't escape."
"So basically you aid in murder."
"...I said you'd hate me if I told you."
"I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I really shouldn't, but I'll give you a chance to explain," (name) was breathing a bit heavily.
"...Let's start over, let me introduce myself again without all the secrets. You already know my name is Blake and that this is Pokémon Version Silver... but I guess now's a good time to explain what this place actually is. Every internet horror copypasta thing —or creepypasta— is true. All of us are real. So you're inside a literal GameBoy cartridge right now. And every time I leave, I go to the mansion —wait you probably don't know what the mansion is. The mansion is a literal mansion in the woods where a bunch of creepypastas live. But to live there we need to do work for the boss, and he sends us out killing."
"Why don't you just not go out and kill people?"
"Because the mansion is safe. Imagine how dangerous it is to not live there, the game I live in would be in a random person's possession and they would have control basically. They would play through the game, force me to move around, and would get to Mount Silver and force me to relive everything that happened."
" why do you look like how you look when you leave? And you said you don't kill people so how does that work?" (Name) wanted clarification.
"I have half my limbs when I leave because that's just how I actually look. Inside the game, it puts back the limbs because that's how I am supposed to look. And helping out in murders counts apparently, because otherwise I would be kicked out by now. Some people don't go out killing ever, but that's because the boss either really likes them or they live in a satellite house."
"Satellite house?"
"Small houses with like 4 creepypastas in them. Only difference is that in the satellite houses killing isn't required because protection isn't a given," Blake explained.
"So you're not going to kill me, right?"
"No! Why would I?!?!"
"...I don't know... just like how I don't know how I got here, I just don't know. It's annoying. I wasn't even supposed to be here, I wasn't supposed to leave home but everything went wrong."
"What do you mean?" Blake asked quietly.
"I'm only here because I was being transported. My parents died in a car crash like 2 months and 2 weeks or so ago. The social service people were bringing me to live with other family, but I ran. Then I fell asleep in the woods, there was a scream that woke me up. A scream of pure terror. So I ran again. Then I fell... when I woke up I was here on this mountain," (name) wasn't planning on opening up, but the conversation had brought a lot of emotions to the surface.
"...I'm sorry for your loss."
"Blake, I don't know if I'll trust your partners, but for now I'll trust you. You would've killed me already if you wanted to."
"...thank you for believing me."
1176 words!

Guys... we're half way through the story :(

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