Chapter 3

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

A few hours earlier at 9:00 PM.
"Come on Blake, get in the car already," a masked boy said aloud.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," the boy named Blake groaned as he hopped his way into the Jeep.
With both boys buckling up, the masked boy started the vehicle and drove away from the huge mansion behind them. They took no specified route and eventually merged with the road. After 20 minutes they arrived at their location.
"So, what's the plan, Helen?" Blake asked.
"I told you not to call me that when we're outside the mansion!"
"Ehh... so, what's the plan, Bloody Painter?"
"We find someone and then we kill them. Simple as that," Bloody Painter replied.
"Great plan... but maybe we should watch the person first, wait for them to fall asleep before anything."
"..." underneath his mask, the other boy was glaring at Blake. "You know, you're lucky I can drive. We wouldn't be here if I didn't know how to use a car."
"Ok, and? That doesn't seem very relevant," Blake pointed out. "Are you just being insecure and trying to prove to yourself that you are still good at your job just because I tweaked your plan?"
"No!" Bloody Painter retorted quickly, denying the accusation.
"Ha! Liar," Blake's face was plastered with a smug grin.
After wandering around the woods, the boys located a decrepit house with the lights inside it still on.
Looking inside the windows, they found only one person. It was only 10:00 PM, so there were no promises that the person inside the house would fall asleep soon or not.
"And now, we wait," Blake whispered as he sat himself down just out of view from the inside of the building.
"Right," the other boy responded, sitting next to Blake.
They continued to watch the person through the shoddy windows. Stifling a yawn, Blake pinched himself to keep awake.
Not only was watching the person inside the building boring, but the person was just sitting on the couch watching a TV show that couldn't be seen from the window. In addition to the exhaustion from the endless waiting, Blake was also fatigued from not recharging in his GameBoy for the past week and a half.
"You tired?" Bloody Painter joked.
"Yeah, I probably have to spend the next 24 hours in my GameBoy after this," Blake yawned again.
"Why do you even do that?"
"Do what?"
"That 'recharge' thing or whatever you call it."
"It's my form of getting sleep, dumbass. Why do I sleep? I don't know, maybe because I'm tired?!" Blake whisper-yelled. "That and I'm like 95% sure I'll die without it."
"How often are you supposed to recharge anyways?"
"Once a week. And like usual I'm way behind schedule," Blake laughed at himself. "It's been ten days. It's kinda like that one essay you get two weeks to work on for school but you don't look at it until the morning it's due."
"..." Bloody Painter grumbled angrily. "You fucking dipshit... this kill better be quick so I can drag your sorry ass back to the mansion and you can sleep."
"Thanks?" Blake couldn't tell if his companion was concerned or annoyed (or both).
At 10:56 PM the person in the house finally got up from the couch and made their way to another room. Following their victim's movements, Blake and Bloody Painter went to the bedroom window and waited patiently for the person to finally fall asleep.
With the clock ticking slowly, the person eventually fell asleep at 11:15 PM and 5 minutes later Blake and Bloody Painter decided to move in.
Carefully opening the window to another room, Blake and Bloody Painter snuck into the house and silently headed to the person's bedroom. Once they entered the room, Blake closed the door behind him and stood guard at it while Bloody Painter readied his knife.
Taking aim for the left lung and heart, the boy stabbed his knife into the person. Ripping out the now-red and fleshy blade, Bloody Painter prepared to stab the person again but was met with a bloody scream and a kick to his nuts. (Bloody Painter missed the vitals).
The victim, now standing up and scared, snatched their phone off the table beside them and ran for the bedroom door. Looking back at their attacker who was standing up despite being kicked down there, the victim failed to notice Blake.
The bedroom door was both closed and blocked by Blake; however, the victim still passed through after a struggle. Even though Blake was able to stab the person's side with a knife and grab their phone afterwards, Blake —having only 1 arm and 1 leg— was pushed out the way and the victim escaped.
Giving Blake an angry glare beneath his mask, Blood Painter ran after the victim (followed by Blake). Despite being only a few seconds behind their victim, the two killers found themselves losing the victim's trail.
Finally at 12:30 AM, finding the trail was almost impossible aside from the few dots of fresh blood marking a path
"Let's keep going," Bloody Painter said, noting the viscous red liquid on the leaves. "This is fresh, they're in the area."
Blake yawning again. "Yeah... I'm... right behind... you."
"..." Bloody Painter turned to his friend. "No you're not. You look dead."
"Who... do you take... me for..., Lost?" Blake joked, thinking about his doppelgänger-like friend (Lost Silver).
"Just get some sleep, Blake. I'll finish this up and swing back by here in 24 hours to pick you up."
"You serious?"
"Yeah, get some sleep so that we can go out hunting more later."
"Thanks... also, I heard leaves rustling a few yards that way. They're behind that tree," Blake said quickly as his energy depleted.
Nodding, Bloody Painter left Blake and pursued the victim. Blake, on the other hand, wandered until he found a ditch by some roots to place his GameBoy into.
Entering the rustic console, Blake's body pixelated and faded from the real world as he entered a copy of Pokémon Version Silver.
Bloody Painter continued to pursue the person for the next two hours. It was a wild game of cat and mouse, the victim always slipping away.
That was, until at 2:45 AM when Bloody Painter cornered the person between a tree and a river. Pushing them to the floor, the masked boy pinned down the victim and held them at knife point.
By 3:00 AM, the victim let out one final scream that echoed through the woods as they were stabbed to death. All creatures within the vicinity were woken up and turned to the sound as the victim yelled out their last breath before dying.
All creatures... including (name).
Finally inside his GameBoy at 1:00 AM, the snowy mountain around Blake woke the boy sharply. Still tired, he headed into a cabin where he decided to nap.
It wasn't until 3:30 that the boy woke up again. While he only had a short two and a half hours of sleep and wanted more, the happy Pokémon that was sleeping beside him wanted to show Blake something.
Reluctantly leaving the house and following the curious Typhlosion to the slope of the mountain, Blake noticed a mysterious dot in the snow.
In a field of white, Blake could see (name)'s dark clothes and backpack against the snow down the mountain. Unaware of what it was, Blake told his Typhlosion to stay back at the house as he made the long journey down to investigate.
1267 words
(Sorry, I forgot to update this last week :/ )

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