Chapter 6

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

After leaving the cabin and heading into the storm, Blake slowly made his way further up the mountain and towards the summit.
Trudging through the snow only able to see what was mere feet ahead of him, Blake's legs felt frozen and stiff. Pushing forward though, he trodded through the deep snow until he eventually reached a decrepit staircase.
The staircase was made out of cobbled slabs of stone. They were dark and cracked, covered in frozen lichens and frost. Laced with the white flurries of snow. Stained with the blood of two Pokémon trainers and their Pokémon; a battle from years and years ago.
Staggering up the stairs with ice in the marrow of his bones, Blake planted his feet down as to not slip. Eventually making it to the top, he was met with a flattened battlefield, encased by rocks.
On the floor of the snow-coated gravel field, was the stone shape of a pokéball. On the close end of the field, were 5 stakes of wood, sticking up from where they were planted in the ground: grave-markers.
Stopping in front of them briefly, Blake looked down in defeat before turning his back to the graves and walking to the other end of the field.
The other side of the field had no graves, it was completely barren. Unlike the first side of the field which was completely flat, the far side had small sinkholes in the gravel: more evidence of a struggle. More evidence of a battle.
Looking out at the horizon beyond the battlefield,  Blake gazed emptily at the snow brazen hills before hoisting himself over the rocks at the edge of the battlefield. Sliding down around 15 feet, Blake regained his balance and made his way down to a cave situated underneath the battlefield.
Entering it, he pulled out the red and white ball he got from his bedroom earlier. Tossing it forward, Blake spoke, his voice reverberating and echoing in the dark cave.
"C'mon out, Typhlosion!"
Erupting out the pokéball with a burst of blue and red light, the fire-type Pokémon cried out as the flames on its neck and back illuminated the cave. Then walking over to Blake, Typhlosion curled up on the floor beside him.
Taking his Pokémon's gesture as a sign to sit down himself, Blake joined the Pokémon on the cold rock floor of the cave and began to speak softly.
Blake explained the situation with (name) to his Typhlosion. The silence of the cave around him only causing Blake's quiet words to echo louder.
He explained that he found (name) down the mountain and that neither he nor (name) had any true explanation as to how he/she got there. He explained that (name) was currently in the cabin warming up. He explained that, despite the storm, he took off to the cave in the mountains to clear his mind.
"...I just don't understand," Blake continued, his every word laced in confusion. "How did he/she get here? What do I do?"
Making a low humming sound, the Typhlosion  affirmed that it was still listening.
"I don't know why, but I don't want to kill him/her, Typhlosion... I'm just so confused: how did he/she get into my game?! I didn't even know it was possible for anyone other than Red or the other pokepastas to go into other's games... so how did (name), A NORMAL HUMAN AND NOT A CREEPYPASTA, get here?!" Blake groaned in frustration. "What's happen tomorrow morning when I'm done recharging..."
Waking up to the smell of food, (name) opened his/her eyes to see lights coming from the kitchen.
Slowly getting up to investigate, (name) plodded over to the next room and saw Blake in the kitchen.
"So this still isn't a dream?" (Name) said in a daze.
"Nope!" Blake fake-laughed . "Do you want waffles?"
"I would say no but-" (name) said as he/she was interrupted by his/her stomach growling. "My stomach disagrees with me. Sure I'll have waffles."
"You can take a seat at the dining table, they should be done in like 5 minutes."
"Ok... thanks," (name) said in a despondent voice while Blake continued to make waffles in the kitchen.
After around 7 minutes, Blake came to the table with a plate in each hand, both containing 2 waffles stacked haphazardly atop each other.
"You want anything? Syrup? Butter? Sugar?" Blake asked as he set down the plates.
"... I'll have some syrup... and some water too if that's ok."
"Coming right up," Blake said as he went to the kitchen to grab the syrup bottle and water for (name). "Here."
"Thanks," (name) said, covering his/her waffles with the syrup before eating them both.
"So, what do you do for fun... living up here and all?" (Name) asked.
"Hmm..." Blake pondered. "Well.. I train and play with my Pokémon. I sleigh down part of the mountain... and then I have to walk back up which is the worst part. I build igloos and read in them... and I um watch movies sometimes. That's about it, so not that much. I don't have anyone to have a snowball fight with or play games with."
"What about your Pokémon?"
"He melts the snowballs too fast, rips up the cards for card games, and last time I tried to play a board game with him he melted half the pieces because he's a sore loser."
"He sounds like a great partner," (name) sarcastically remarked.
"He is," Blake matched (name)'s tone.
"Hmm... are you busy after breakfast, Blake?"
"...not really, no... why?" Blake blinked in confusion.
"At 10:00, be outside. We're having a snowball fight," (name)'s impulsive thoughts spoke on his/her behalf.
"Wait what?!" Blake said, glancing at the time. "That's in 15 minutes!"
"Good, don't be late or else I'll have enough snowballs prepared to bury you whole."
985 words!

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