Chapter 9

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

It was 10:00 PM now, and Blake and (name) were still awake. They had been sitting in silence for quite some time now, but after looking at his watch, Blake decided to break the silence and speak:
"I have to leave in two hours."
"What do you mean by that? There's nowhere to leave to... unless you're going outside and sleeping in an igloo or something," (name) was confused but he/she tried to make a joke about the situation.
"Not leave as in leave the house, leave as in leave entirely," Blake attempted to explain.
"So dying?"
"No no no no! I'm leaving the game."
"Can I leave too?" (Name) looked down a bit.
"I hope so, but I'm honestly not sure what'll happen to you once I leave," Blake sounded a bit melancholic.
"Oh... ok."
"But, uh, Typhlosion will protect you, ok?"
"Ok..." (name) was still put off by Blake's previous comment.
(Name) wanted to ask Blake more questions. How can Blake just leave the game? Can Blake show him/her how to do that too? Where is he going? When will he be back? And so on.
But (name) decided to only ask one of these questions:
"When will you be back?"
"I'll try to be back by the day after tomorrow at the crack of dawn. And I'll bring laundry detergent and food, so feel free to raid the fridge."
(Name) nodded. "So what do we do for the next two hours before you leave?"
"We sit here or take a nap I guess?" Blake suggested.
(Name) decided to take up his offer and try to rest, but sleep eluded (name) and he/she found himself/herself awake and in thought.
It was a lot of the same questions as before, but also of ideas of what to do if he/she was stuck here alone for a day.
Around after 10 minutes of attempting napping, (name) quit.
"I give up. This isn't workin—" (name) cut himself/herself off when he/she looked beside him/her.
Blake was passed out, sleeping as if he had no worries.
11:58 PM
Blake's watch started beeping, waking him up.
"Good morning..." Blake said as he stretched a bit.
"It's almost midnight, but good morning to you too," (name) replied.
"How did you sleep?" Blake tried to have small talk.
"I didn't, want about you?"
"Hmm, 3.5 out of 5 stars. The way I was sitting made my back hurt and the alarm waking me up was annoying."
"At least you're honest about it."
"I guess..." Blake stood up and checked his watch again. "34 seconds... oh yeah, don't be too alarmed when the world starts to look more pixelated."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Just don't be too alarmed, it's normal," he sighed.
(Name) still wasn't one-hundred percent sure what Blake meant, but the second the clock hit 12:00 things started to make sense.
The instead of looking like real objects, everything in the house started to look like tiny blocks arranged in the shapes of the objects.
The quality of the blocks making up the objects began to drop. From high resolution, it made its way down to be reminiscent of 16 bit video game graphics.
But the world wasn't the only thing pixelating like this. (Name) looked down at his/her hands to see that they were all block-like too.
"(Name), don't scream, don't freak out, this is normal, it's gonna be fine," Blake tried to prevent (name) from panicking.
"Then why the fuck am I pixelating but not you?!?!" (Name) tried to keep his/her voice calm but he/she was definitely freaking out a good bit.
"Because I don't pixelate... I deal with something else, you'll understand in a few seconds, so just take a deep breath."
"How many times have you done this that you're so desensitized?!"
"Once a week every week for years, if you're still here when I come back I'll explain."
(Name) just looked at his/her low quality pixelated appearance, ignoring the fact that Typhlosion was in the same boat as him/her: pixelated.
Everything except for Blake began to lose its color and texture and become a bright white.
Blake on the other hand, became translucent in some places, as his right arm, left leg, and right eye faded from existence and he was eventually only left with two limbs and one eye. His other eye was just an empty socket.
From the bright light of the blank world around them, darkness formed in some places.
A giant save screen, identical to the one from Pokémon Version Silver, even the font.
"If I never see you again, I hope you get home safely, (name)," Blake then reached for the save button and pressed it and a few other buttons before saving and quitting the game.
811 words

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