Chapter 25

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

One month later, Blake and (name) were sleeping really close to each other on the couch. Typhlosion had curled up next to them and Wooper and Dragonite were in their pokéballs.
They didn't mean to fall asleep in each other's arms, but both were so tired that they fell asleep during the movie they were watching.
Any other day, this would have been fine. But today was Friday. And just like usual, Friday meant Blake had to leave.
When the world began to pixelate at midnight, indicating that it was time for Blake to go, the couple woke up.
They were still groggy and half asleep, but both knew it was time for Blake to go.
With a frown on his/her face, (name) hugged Blake goodbye.
With one arm, Blake hugged him/her back while simultaneously hitting the save and quit button with the other arm... but something was off.
"Wait a second..." Blake had now fully woken up, alarm painted on his face.
(Name) noticed it too, he/she now being fully awake too.
"Why am I not pixelated?!"
It had become so normal to (name) that not experiencing it was weird.
As Blake's form changed to what it looks like outside the game, the arm he had wrapped around (name) disappeared and he and (name) began to drift apart as the world crumbled around them.
Soon enough it was just Blake, (name), and a white background that the two were floating in.
Because (name) and Blake were in contact with each other when Blake hit the save and quit button, both of them seemed to be leaving the game.
But because they were drifting further and further from each other, they weren't leaving together.
"(Name)!" Blake screamed, flailing about as he tried to reach him/her.
"Blake!" (Name) tried to reach him too, but to no avail.
Unable to reach for each other, they both were filled with panic.
"I'll find you, (name)," Blake frantically yelled as he got further from (name).
"Blake! I'll wait for you for as long as it takes! I'll find you again!"
And then the game powered off.
Blake was sitting alone in the floor in his bedroom. His GameBoy was next to him, and (name) was gone.
Deep down inside, Blake knew that (name) wouldn't be in the game if he went back in.
He wished and hoped this was all fake, that he would find name sleeping on the couch or out in the snow greeting him if he went back in the game right now, but Blake knew that wasn't the case.
He got up, staggering into a standing position. With his shoulders rolled down and his back hunched over some, he looked utterly defeated.
Blake hopped out the room, his expression being devastated and pained.
He went down the stairs, feeling almost unable to breathe.
Down the hallway and to Slenderman's office he went. He knocked on the door and waited to be allowed in.
Once he was told to enter, he headed in and sat at the desk.
"Blake, is this about the human boy/girl who entered your game a few months back?" Slenderman asked.
"Yes, he/she—"
"The reason he/she was in the game was recently figured out actually. I was going to send Bloody Painter to fetch you but you must've already known," Slenderman went on a different topic.
"But sir, this isn't about—"
"The only way someone could get into the game without you deliberately dragging them in is through an immense electrical shock. At first that didn't make sense, but when I sent Bloody Painter to look at the scene where you put your GameBoy that night, he found a bunch of exposed live wires."
"But sir—"
"So there's nothing special about that human and you can kill them now."
"SIR, please... please just listen. I didn't come here for that."
"Then what. Speak."
"That 'human boy/girl' you just said I can kill? He's/she's important to me. At first he/she wasn't, but I've grown to enjoy his/her presence... actually, I've grow to love him/her— but that's not the point, the point is that something happened and he/she left the game somehow and I have to find him/her."
"You know that relationships, especially those with humans, only make you weak, right? Need I remind you that you have someone to defend now, meaning you will become a target too if your boyfriend/girlfriend gets targeted by one of us?"
"Respectfully, you're wrong sir. I won't say that it's easier to defend someone and worry about stuff than to only have to worry about stuff, but having someone important in my life gives me something to make myself stronger and better for. It doesn't make me weaker, it drives me to be better."
"So...can I please have (name) pardoned so that when I get him/her back the other creepypastas don't kill him/her.... And can I go out looking for him/her and take a few others with me?"
"Fine. But if I disapprove of him/her once you get him/her back, you will personally be the one to kill (name)."
868 words :)

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