Chapter 8

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

The two went inside and warmed up in the living room before anything else.
Blake went over to the kitchen table briefly and grabbed a pokéball from his bag, which was hanging on his chair.
"Typhlosion, c'mon out," Blake gently tossed the pokéball as he returned to the living room to warm up with (name).
The Pokémon came out with a small burst of red and blue light, and immediately lit the sad pile of wood in the fireplace. It then curled itself in a ball on the floor right up next to Blake's feet.
"I assume that's the partner you were talking about before?" (Name) asked him.
"Yeah. This is Typhlosion. (Name), Typhlosion. Typhlosion, (name)," Blake did brief introductions.
"So he just...makes fire?" (Name) was a bit confused on how a fire type Pokémon would work in real life.
"Mhm, I'm not sure how it works though. Some genetic stuff and a whole lot of complicated science."
"Oh... so when Pokémon were first coded into existence, were they coded as code or like genetic material?"
"Code. All of us were code. All the Pokémon. All the people. All the world. But it's sentient now," Blake had to stop himself from continuing. He felt okay sharing this with (name), but at the same time he barely knew (name).
Both went silent, not asking anything aloud but asking questions in their heads. Not asking anything to the other, but asking questions to themselves.
'Why am I trusting him/her so much?' (Name) and Blake were plagued by this thought.
Blake had no reason to trust (name). For starters, (name) is just a regular human; the same kind of person he would go out killing with the other creepypastas sometimes. Also, (name) somehow got into Blake's game. No one does that... EVER. That's unheard of, it's impossible.
But for some reason, he did trust him/her some.
For (name), there were also reasons not to trust Blake. First of all, he was in a video game. Not to say that (name) being in a videogame too made him/her untrustworthy too, but from the existence of this cabin and the fact that Blake had a Pokémon, (name) had concluded it was like he was a part of this world. Like he wasn't a real human. In addition to that, Blake is also a mysterious stranger who is helping (name) out for no reason. Maybe he has ulterior motives? Or maybe he's just nice?
(Name) wasn't sure which of these was the case, but for some reason he/she trusted Blake some.
They have only know each other for a few hours, so it was strange to the both of them that they trusted the other. Blake started recharging at midnight. At 4:00 AM, (name) arrived in the game. At 5:00 AM, Blake found him/her. By 5:30, they were back at the cabin. (Name) then slept for 3 and a half hours until 9:00 AM. They ate at 10:00 AM. Had a snowball fight until 1:00 PM. And now were inside at the fire.
In terms of time that they've interacted with each other, they've only know each other for a bit more than four hours.
They warmed up at the fire until 1:30 and then decided they were going to go eat lunch now.
Blake didn't have much food, but he had bread and chocolate hazelnut spread.
(Name) and him both made sandwiches with obsessive amounts of the chocolate spread and then returned to the couch in the living room to eat.
"Can Typhlosion eat chocolate too?" (Name) asked, genuinely curious. I mean, dogs can't eat chocolate, but what about Pokémon? Can they?
"Yeah, but he likes his with peanut butter, which we ran out of last week and I got too busy to get more."
"Get more... but from where? You're at the top of a mountain?"
"...never mind," Blake avoided the question.
"...ok," (name) decided not to press for answers.
After finishing their sandwiches, they just stayed in the living room.
Typhlosion ended up going on the couch too and sitting next to Blake, leaning on Blake and dozing off.
"That's adorable," (name) whispered.
"Sure. Adorable," Blake said with a hint of sarcasm. "Because having a heavy flamethrower fall asleep on you and you can't move it off of you because it might light the entire house on fire is adorable."
(Name) gave Blake a skeptical look.
"...okay, maybe it's a bit adorable."
Blake may act like he doesn't like Typhlosion that much, but he does. Typhlosion is his partner, his buddy through thick and thin.
The picking on each other part is just because that's what friends do.
And (name)'s skeptical look was his/her noticing of that. It's not hate, it's friendship.
"What time is it?" (Name) spoke, realizing he/she had no way to check the time himself/herself.
"Uhh, 3:04," Blake said.
'That's a little bit less than 9 hours left...' Blake began thinking to himself, zoning out from everything else. 'What will happen once I leave the game and finish recharging? Will (name) just disappear from the game? If so, where will he/she be spit out? With me? Somewhere else? Or does he/she just disappear but get stuck in between this world and the real world; gone forever? Or does he/she stay here, in the game?
" to Blake?? Hellooooo?" (Name) had been trying to get his attention for a bit now.
"..what.. oh, sorry, I zoned out."
"What were you zoning out about?"
"Food, and getting more," Blake lied. "Why were you trying to get my attention?"
"Typhlosion got off of you, you're free to move now."
"You must've been really deep in though not to notice."
"Yeah, I guess so."
973 words!

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