Chapter 24

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

"I like you too Blake," (name) whispered.
Blake and (name) then leaned in slightly more, their lips now touching as they kissed each other.
After a few seconds, their lips separated from the other's lips as they broke the kiss. But those seconds had felt closer to an eternity to them.
Looking half at each other and half away, Blake and (name) were colored in red; their faces pink and flushed.
"I thought you didn't like me that way..." Blake sighed.
"I mean, finding out you work with murderers and kind of are one by proxy was a bit off-putting. But at the end of the day, you're important to me. You saved me from freezing to death on that mountain, let me stay with you even though I was a stranger, kept me company, and after spending all this time with you over these past months, it feels weird to think about not knowing you. If anyone should be saying what you said, it should be me. I thought you didn't like me that way."
"What gave you that idea? I like your smile, I like that you're nice to me, that you heard me out instead of just deciding to hate me. I like that you spent your time training with Typhlosion so that we could get off the mountain. You care about others and you're a fun person to be around. And you're tolerable... because you know, lots of people are intolerable usually."
"That's sweet of you."
"Same about what you said."
"Well... it's almost time for you to go."
"I'll be back first thing on Sunday, so just stay in Azalea Town until then."
(Name) nodded and then took Blake's hand.
They started to walk out of Ilex Forest and back towards the Pokécenter. When they reached the edge of the forest, Blake stopped and looked at (name).
They hugged, kissing again. This time when they broke apart, their faces were red but were also smug with happiness.
All day Saturday, (name) bonded with his/her Wooper and with Dragonite and Typhlosion. It was very uneventful, but that was the fun of it.
Azalea Town was small, but there were a bunch of tiny shops and places to see.
For the entire day, (name) walked around with the pokémon. They acted like a little group of tourists, wandering around from shop to shop, store to store. Buying snacks and playing games, they explored the entire town.
When they ran out of things to do in the town, (name) found a field and he/she and the pokémon took a nap there before waking up and playing games like hide and seek, tag, and even the deadliest game of catch to exist.
When night came and (name) and the pokémon were in the hotel, (name) set the alarm clock to go off at a super early time so that he/she would be awake to greet Blake when he gets back in the game.
Before going to sleep though, (name) made sure to find and the button that turned off the alarm sound on the clock, not wanting a repeat of what happened last time the clock wouldn't shut up.
In the morning on Sunday, (name) quickly turned off the alarm before Typhlosion could break it. He/she then got up, quickly got dressed, and waited outside in front of where Blake left the game. Around thirty minutes later, the game briefly pixelated and Blake was back.
He and (name) went inside the Pokécenter and grabbed their stuff as well as the three members of their pokémon team. Then, instead of exploring more of Johto, Blake and (name) decided to head back to Mount Silver for now.
They had Dragonite fly with them to Viridian City, where Blake and (name) grabbed their stuff out of the storage unit they put in it a few days prior, and then they flew up to Mount Silver.
For the whole way there, Blake was guiding Dragonite. It was almost impossible to see in through the thick clouds and icy air, but Blake knew the way and eventually they were back at the lonely cabin they called home.
Wooper, Dragonite, and Typhlosion all went inside, but Blake and (name) stayed outside to talk.
"So... um..." (name) started.
"Yeah..." Blake replied.
Neither knew what to say next.
"What now?" (Name) asked.
"What do you mean?"
"We both like each other. We kissed twice. So are we still considering each other friends? Friends with benefits? What is this?"
"Huh, good point."
"...wanna say whatever is going through your mind on three?" Blake suggested.
"Might as well."
"Two," (name) continued.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend." The two said in sync.
Then both looked at each other, gave a small but silent laugh and then embraced in a hug followed by a small kiss from Blake to (name)'s forehead and one from (name) to Blake's nose.
They may not have answered with any words, but the two's actions spoke louder than ever.
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