Chapter 11

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

"So to make things clear, you said a human girl/boy is somehow in your game?" Slenderman repeated back to Blake.
"Yeah, exactly!"
"...that shouldn't be possible though.... Did you intentionally drag him/her into the game to kill him/her?"
"Were Ben or one of the other gaming creepypastas with you?"
"No. It was just Bloody Painter and I, sir."
" long were you in your game before finding him/her?"
"A few hours. He/she was in the snowbanks though, meaning he/she couldn't have been there for too long. Otherwise the cold would've killed him/her."
"So he/she got there after you got in the game... that shouldn't be possible."
Blake nodded.
"You should go back into the game and monitor this human for the rest of the week. In the meantime, I will have some of the other creepypastas look into this."
Blake gave a thumbs up and then left, hopping out the room and down the hallway.
When Blake finally made it to the common area with the couch and TV, he encountered Sally and Bloody Painter.
After relating the information that he had to spend the week in his game to his partner in crime and the young girl, Sally volunteered her and Bloody Painter to help Blake prepare.
She dragged Blake and Bloody Painter over to the kitchen and to the giant cabinets that were used as pantries. From a shelf that was almost eye level for her, she grabbed some plastic grocery bags and started to loot the pantry for supplies for Blake.
When Sally couldn't reach an item, she would try jumping to snatch it down. When this didn't work, Bloody Painter would reach up and grab the item instead.
For a few minutes, this cycle of packing bags looped until the food and other necessities that were needed from the pantry had been packed. Then, they went over to the fridge and repeated the same process.
By the time they were finished, there were enough bags to sustain two people for two weeks.
"Thank you, Sally," Blake smiled at her.
"You're welc—" she was cut off.
"What about me?!" Blood Painter wanted a thank you too.
"What about you? You only helped when needed," Blake retorted, meaning it as a rude joke.
"I still helped though!!"
"Ugh, fine. Thanks... HELEN."
"Oh you bitch, I told you not to call me that... BALAKE."
Blake and Helen were about to start fake fighting each other, but Sally interjected. "I'll tell Slendy if you guys keep fighting."
"... sorry, Bloody Painter."
"Sorry Blake."
"Good!" She smiled, not noticing how tense she made things.
"So is this everything?" Blake asked Sally and Bloody Painter, looking at the bags they had before going up the stairs.
"Yep!" She giggled as she proudly proclaimed it. "There's plenty of food and other stuff too!"
"You got laundry detergent packed, right?" Bloody Painter asked.
"Crap! I knew I was forgetting something!" Blake started to hop back to the pantry but Bloody Painter grabbed him by the shoulder, stopping Blake. "What?"
"Just stay here, you hop too slow," Bloody Painter insisted. He was trying to be nice, but would never admit it.
"Nuh uh! Am not slow!"
"Just shut up and let me do this!" He growled back at Blake.
"Sheesh, fine."
Blake watched as Bloody Painter walked off to the pantry and came back with a handful of laundry detergent pods.
"Now remember Blake, these aren't for eating," he lectured, wagging his finger like a disapproving parent.
"I'm not gonna eat them!!!" Blake complained.
"Mhm, sureeee," Bloody Painter put them into one of the bags.
Now that everything was packed it was the hard part. Because Blake's bedroom was up the stairs and while not recharging he only has 1 leg, he has to hop up each individual step and not fall backwards down the stairs (or even worse, fall forwards up the stairs).
One step at a time and with Bloody Painter behind him the catch him and Sally his left, Blake slowly made it up the staircase.
When he made it to the top, he looked miserable. It was embarrassing that he needed to be monitored when doing such a trivial task.
At the top of the stairs, he headed to his room with Sally and Bloody Painter behind him. They put down the bags on his bed, and only then did Blake realize how much food and supplies this actually was.
"Guys, I can't carry all of that into the game with me..." he admitted.
"Then just get good," Bloody Painter spat back.
"... I'll ignore that... but basically I'm gonna leave some of the bags of the non-perishable items here."
"Do you want me to put them back in the pantry?" Sally asked all innocently.
"No no, it's fine." Blake felt bad. He felt like after all her hard work he was rejecting Sally's help and being ungrateful for what she already did, even though he was grateful.
"Ok. Well, see you next week, Blake."
"See you next week," Blake gave a small wave as Sally left the room.
"What?" Blake questioned why Bloody Painter was just standing there silently.
"Just making sure you won't eat the laundry pods."
"Mhm, sureeee... see you next week."
Bloody Painter left, shutting the door to Blake's room behind him.
After this, Blake got up to lock the door. Once his room was locked up, he sat on his bed and grabbed the bags that he could before entering his game once again.
939 words

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